Political News Flash!

UPDATE: If you watched the News Hour this evening on PBS you are aware of the internal fighting among the White House and RNC over this race, and others like it, as the GOP feels the heat of losing many seats this fall.  Readers should be mindful that the reporters who broke the Ohio story are standing by their report that the RNC is pulling out of Ohio.

The GOP has written off the U.S. Senate race of incumbent Senator Mike DeWine in Ohio.  This key battleground state in 2000 and 2004 has been rocked by scandal and corruption by Republican state and federal officials.   This  is the third U.S. Senate seat the GOP has conceded after dropping Minnesota and Pennsylvania last week.

The national GOP is needing to put money into Virginia where Senator Allen once had a secure win.  After his racist comments and disorganized efforts the seat is in serious play.  Also the seats in Tennessee and New Jersey will also see increased dollars from the Republican Party.

With three weeks to go in the midterms these moves are common on both sides, but still have a very ‘Darwin’ feel to them.

One thought on “Political News Flash!

  1. Kerr Mudgeon

    Now, let’s see: that adds up to SIX seats, the number the Dems need to win and organize the Senate. Still a bit of a stretch, but looking better every day.

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