Code Red At Checkout Three!

File this one under ‘what is happening in our schools’?

So I am in line at a  major food store and one of the items I have is a case of Campbell’s Soup to have on hand for casseroles and the like.  The person at the checkout counter is about 17 or 18 years old, and very pleasant.  She gets to my soup and counts four cans across, and then 6 cans down.  Then she looks puzzled, and starts counting another row of six cans. 

Good Lord I think to myself, she is going to count all 24 cans!   So I interrupt her and let her know that 6×4 equals 24.  She stops counting, and without hesitation, says……sure……oh yeah…..24.    Now I have a strong hunch I could have said 6×4 equals 12, and had the same reaction from her.  I wonder what would have happened if I had said that the total cans numbered two less than a double bakers dozen?  I can just see the dazed look.

She should just be grateful that we did not get a double case!  Code Red at checkout three!  Code Red at checkout three!

But seriously, what in the world is happening in America when a high school kid, even a possible graduate, can not at once do simple multiplication?

We need to seriously examine what is (or is not) happening in our schools.

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2 thoughts on “Code Red At Checkout Three!

  1. marion

    We needed 2 $5 gift certificates from KFC..gave the clerk a $20. She looked in horror, but we only have certificates in $5 lots. Ok, we’ll take 2. More than horror because she didn’t know how to make change. Robert told her give him the 2 certificates and $10 back. Ok, but you know we can only give you $5 certificates? That’s fine.

    Makes you wonder why they allow students calculators in Math classes. So too bad and if they make them memorize anything it’s student abuse.

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