Would John McCain Benefit Politically From Terror Attack?

At least one in the John McCain campaign says yes. 

Does Charlie Black think that if we  added American deaths in the attack it would help create a landslide for the Arizona Senator?   One can only wonder…..but we know in our hearts what the GOP wishes for.

Republicans are so vile.

The following is such gutter talk from one that is supposed to know how to play the game of politics. Instead it shows how pathetic and unsuited Republicans are for national responsibility, and yet more proof why they should no longer be able to hold power in Washington. 

When asked whether a terror attack on US soil would help Mr McCain’s campaign, Mr Black told the magazine: “Certainly it would be a big advantage to him.”

In the article, Mr Black also said that the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was an “unfortunate event” that had “helped” Mr McCain’s presidential bid.

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2 thoughts on “Would John McCain Benefit Politically From Terror Attack?

  1. notalib

    You just knew the moonbats would have a cow over this. The facts are America does not trust obama with our security. His inexperience puts America at risk. With Mr McCain America has leadership that understands how dangerous the world is, with obama we have a man who thinks kissing the back side of terrorist governments is the answer.

    Democrats know this and so they need to do whatever they can to try and make Mr McCain look evil, but everytime they do, all they show is Mr McCains strength and obamas weakness.

  2. By your logic, notalib, we should worry about John McCain putting us at risk, since he’s previously said he’d negotiate with noted terrorist organization Hamas.

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