Music Everywhere At A Perfect Madison Farmers’ Market

Is it June or October?

The splendid summer-like weather brought everyone out around the City of Madison this weekend to relish in what very well might be the last such weekend before more seasonal temperatures take hold.  At the Dane County Farmers’ Market at the State Capitol the look on every face was proof that the day was meant to be spent outside, and in the sunshine.  While buying pumpkins, drinking coffee, and eating donuts there were also lots of sounds to be heard from the various performers who put out a guitar case for a few bucks while singing a raft of songs.

The sounds of a bit of bluegrass drifts over the Farmers Market.

Sounds of the Caribbean on the street corner.

Amazing voices of a university choir raising funds for a European trip.

Young, talented and self-assured.  Lots of potential  here.

A downtown regular with a truly wonderful tone to his voice as he sings the praises of God.

Adding rhythm and spice almost very week makes this guy just plain fun.

Everyone seemed to be looking and buying what seemed to be the number one item at the market…pumpkins!

Colorful splashes on the street such as these flowers in the sun was nothing short of awesome.

And finally, below, to show that kids will be kids…….with all the grass on the entire Capitol lawn to play on where do these two wind up?………….Yup…….in the dirt of a removed tree stump.

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