Obama With One Win, Must Move To Other High Priority Issues

The interesting part to the last four weeks has not only involved the various parts of the stimulus bill that the House and Senate wrangled over, but the political dynamics of putting the bill together and passing it.   While I have strong feelings about limited tax cuts, and more money to the states, or for ‘greening’ America, the political junkie side of me loved to read about the poltical angle that makes Washington, D.C. so energetic.

I feel that while President Obama in his heart might want a more cooperative spirit in the making of policy, he is coming to terms with how difficult that might be without willing partners.  While the GOP think that they should still set policy direction, they need to understand that they lost the election in 2008 in a huge way, and the nation voted in favor of a new approach to solving the problems.  Personally I favor moving aggressively ahead with the agenda that the campaign was built on, and discussed month after month with the public.  If the Republicans want to work together they have the opportunity, and if not that is fine too.  Either way, there is a nation to put back into shape, and the Obama White House is moving to start the process.

I like the fact that Obama is out among the people again, and reports last night indicate that at least one trip per week is scheduled to allow that connection with the citizens to take place to insure that Obama’s message is not lost in the chatter among those in Washington.  Lets face it, there is nothing that the GOP can counter with that is half as effective as Obama before a crowd of citizens.  This week proved it.  I know that the public wants action, and the mood of the citizens will embolden Obama to stick to his agenda, regardless of GOP dismay.  After all, the GOP lost the confidence of the electorate, and were voted out of office.

Now it is time to tackle the financial service industry, housing, and then move on to health care. The nation wants concrete and workable solutions.  If that comes with bipartisanship fine, but if not that is fine too….just make the problems of the nation, and the policy corrections, the focal point of every day in office.

One thought on “Obama With One Win, Must Move To Other High Priority Issues

  1. Mike

    ===Personally I favor moving aggressively ahead with the agenda that the campaign was built on, and discussed month after month with the public. ====

    Like the details of the stimulus bill? Put your kool-aid down.

    ===I like the fact that Obama is out among the people again, and reports last night indicate that at least one trip per week is scheduled to allow that connection with the citizens to take place to insure that Obama’s message is not lost in the chatter among those in Washington. ===

    I wonder why? Because thanks to conservative talk radio and FOX news people were actually finding out what Obama is actually doing. And support for the stimulus bill was eroding among Americans. So he had to go out and “campaign.”

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