Show This To Every Republican!

How will they explain this?


With zero House Republicans voting for the stimulus — and with just three Senate Republicans expected to vote for it later this afternoon — it’s worth noting that 28 House Democrats and 12 Senate Democrats voted for the final passage of Bush’s big tax cut in 2001. (And remember, too, that Bush had barely won the presidential election the year before.) Unlike Barack Obama who won a mandate.

The size of that 2001 tax-cut package? $1.35 trillion.

4 thoughts on “Show This To Every Republican!

  1. Mike

    And your point is? I love liberals. Moan and wail about how quickly the Patriot Act is signed, but could care less about the fact that NONE of the congress and senate will even read a bill that puts us in the biggest hole in American history. Don’t start bitching about Bush either. I didn’t see you guys getting all pissed off when Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were raping the banking system with bad home loans. There’s plenty of blame to go around on that one.

    But, I suppose you enjoy paying for all of this pork. Obama is as big a liar as George Bush ever was. No earmarks? Puh-leez. Just because all of this crap doesn’t have a congressmen or senators name attached to it doesn’t make it not an earmark.

  2. Ace Daryl

    GOP shows signs of strength in bloc voting. they are going to be a force to reckon with. obama has done nothing but muscle his stimulus bill through congress. sheer numbers will not guarantee political success. politics is more than that

  3. tomjerkweed

    This was ramrodded down everyone’s throat. For what so Nancy Pelosi can blow town, talk to the pope and get an award? Democrats promised that there would be two days between when the final version of the bill was posted and the vote, but they broke their word.

    They posted it at 11 o’clock Thursday night; they got things rolling at 9 this morning; the House passed it early this afternoon and the Senate will vote later on tonight.

    From posting to review time in less than a day — that’s about $33 billion-per hour of review time.

    Your representatives, who are supposed to represent you, are voting on a bill that’s over 1,000 pages long. It’s impossible for them to have read it all, because they’d need at least 12 hours to read it.

    Do you really think any of the House Democrats who voted for it earlier did that? Or did they vote blind on one of the most important bills in our nation’s history?

  4. llabesab

    Here’s a question which one will never see on “Jeopardy.”

    How many Members of Congress read at least 5% of the Stimulus Bill before voting on it?

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