Joe Lieberman Takes Lead To Kill “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Joe Lieberman does the correct thing.

While I have a long laundry list of issues that I take exception to when it comes to  Joe Lieberman there is every reason to feel pride over his stance on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’  It is a most laughable policy, and one that many other nations look at and wonder what is wrong with Americans.  It is time to jettison DADT.  Better yet let us slay it once and for all, and then move on to higher ground.

Connecticut Independent Senator Joe Lieberman will be the chief sponsor of Senate legislation to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that bars openly gay men and women from serving in the military.

“I will be proud to be a sponsor of the important effort to enable patriotic gay Americans to defend our national security and our founding values of freedom and opportunity,” he said in a statement Monday in which he noted his longtime opposition to the policy.

“To exclude one group of Americans from serving in the armed forces is contrary to our fundamental principles as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and weakens our defenses by denying our military the service of a large group of Americans who can help our cause,” said Lieberman.

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