Why Do I Think Much Of Nation Ill-Informed About Debt Limit?

The federal debt limit debate is troubling. 

Troubling in that too many in this nation seem unaware of the disaster looming if the correct decision, the only logical decision, is not made.  How we came to this point where there are so many citizens unable to recognize the danger of not raising the limit is a damning indictment of our educational system.  It is also a sure sign that too few follow any of the Op-Ed pages and favor the comics instead.   Really, there is no other way to view this lack of understanding over the debt limit matter.

What has me riled?

Consider this.

The U.S. public overwhelmingly opposes raising the country’s debt limit even though failure to do so could hurt America’s international standing and push up borrowing costs, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday.

Some 71 percent of those surveyed oppose increasing the borrowing authority, the focus of a brewing political battle over federal spending. Only 18 percent support an increase

The poll underscores the tough task ahead for U.S. lawmakers as the debt nears its current ceiling of $14.3 trillion. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner last week warned that a failure to raise the borrowing limit in the coming months could lead to “catastrophic economic consequences”.

If it were only the average Joe on the street that had no idea what the heck they were talking about when it came to the debt level it would be bad enough.

But as I commented here earlier this month the new breed in Congress are also so out of touch they need to tutored about the issue.  This is just baffling. 

On Sunday’s ABC morning show “This Week”  Major Garrett, a former FAUX News reporter who now works for National Journal, stated in a roundtable discussion that many of these new elected faces in Washington were learning about the debt ceiling.  It seems for the first time!

How can they have thought of running for Congress and not know about this matter?  The topic has been in the news often, and there has been much written about  for many years.

One thought on “Why Do I Think Much Of Nation Ill-Informed About Debt Limit?

  1. Patrick

    What is going to hert our international standing in the long run is out of control spending and debt. Look what they did for Ireland. While new members of congress will never match the buring pillar of light we find in Gwen Moore, for example, they have reasong to demand that congress get its spending in order.

    I suppose they need to increease the debt ceiling, but to do so without radical cuts in spending is the very hight of business-as-usual Washington stupidity. Bush bears a lot of blame for the current situation.

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