Richard Brown Deserves Respect For Making Madison Mayoral Bid

One can hear many things about most candidates who launch a campaign for public office.   Good things, loud things, horrible things, things that might make you wonder why anyone would every run a race for any office.

But rarely do we say thanks to a candidate for stepping up and making himself available to serve.  Such is the time to do so now for a candidate running for mayor of our city.

When I woke up this morning I noted a comment on my blog about a whole different topic that basically said there was no difference between the political parties and nothing ever changes from those we elect to office.  I very much disagree.   Be it health care policy on the national level or public unions in Wisconsin there is no doubt that elections do matter and elected officials are working–for better or worse–and changes are taking place.    But let us assume the writer of that comment still feels that his concerns are legitimate.    How much personal commitment will he expend to make a difference?

How much do any of us when all is said and done?  Which brings me back to one of Madison’s mayoral candidates.

Richard Brown looked at the political landscape in this city, saw the issues that impact citizens and neighborhoods, attempted to get others to run so to address those needs, and after seeing no one else step up to the plate threw his own hat into the arena.

I am one of those old-fashioned types who are moved when someone finds their voice even when they know the way will be rocky and all seemingly uphill.  I like the person who steps in to fill a void even when it is clear there are going to be slings and arrows aimed their way.  I like the person who thinks the greater need is more important than the personal strain.

That is why I respect the effort of Richard Brown who is making his own attempt to become the next mayor of this city.  There are certainly less public and trying roads he could have traveled–but he chose to take the one that might make a difference for others even when it makes for stressful news reports about his personal life.

I am not in any way addressing those matters since frankly I am not privy to anything more than what I have read or heard about.    And I am not saying who I will cast my ballot for come the spring primary.  None of that is the purpose of this post.

What I am saying most publically is a sincere thanks to Richard Brown for being civic-minded and running this race for mayor.  He should be commended for calling our attention to the needs of those who are marginalized and in many ways live in a city that is divided between color and class.     The voters of this city may have differences over policy ideas that Brown espouses or even question his leadership abilities.  That is after all, fair game in an election.

But no one can question Brown’s basic goodness and his desire to work for the public good.     Many sit on the sidelines and have much to say but never enter the arena–myself included.    So it has really impressed me that Brown so earnestly believes in his issues that he is undertaking this campaign, knowing the way would have rough days, but felt the voices of those who needed to be heard outweighed his own hardships.

Regardless of who my readers support in the primary one thing is very clear.

No one entered the mayoral race with more to lose and less to gain than Richard Brown.  Yet he felt it was the path he needed to take for those he cares about.  That says  a great deal about his character!

For that he deserves our respect and thanks.

Maybe even our vote.