Our Letter To Food Network Regarding Ina Garten, Send Your Own Letter On Link In Post

There are times when we all need to take a stand for what is decent.

Ina Garten needs to be reminded why she is famous.

It is because of folks like you and me who watch her show on the Food Network, or buy her books.

So when Ina Garten refused to allow time for a Make-A-Wish kid who is very sick….well, you can read here how I feel.

This is when it becomes time for all of America to step and remind Ina Garten from where her fame came.

And how quickly it can crumble.

This afternoon we sent the following note below from our home to the Food Network.

I urge my readers to take a moment and send one of their own.

Food Network can be found on this link for mailing them your throughts on Ina Garten.

This is our letter.

I am writing to express my dismay.  I am sincerely hoping that the “Barefoot Contessa” didn’t actually snub a kid from the Make-a-Wish Foundation recently.  I am  hoping that this is all some sort of mixup and that the HUNDREDS of websites reporting this are all wrong. 

According to what I have read, however, Ms. Garten is just too busy to schedule some time with the boy.  Really?  Most days it often feels like I don’t have a minute to myself.  And yet, I still have time each year to volunteer in my community, to help others who are less fortunate than I am.  I know what busy looks like. 

Ms. Garten is undoubtedly quite sought after, but she has a professional scheduler who couldn’t carve out time for her to throw an omlette together with the boy?  She likely could have made some tricked-out version of peanut butter on saltine crackers with him and he would have cherished the time spent forever. 

I don’t know what it is like to have adoring fans, and certainly not one working with the Make-a-Wish people.  The Make-a-Wish foundation is hardly a fly-by-night organization of people who harrass celebrities.  These people grant dying wishes.  They also fund them, so it isn’t as though this “generosity” that they ask of people has to come out of their own pockets, if that is a concern for a celebrity author. 

Indeed, I am very disappointed to learn that someone whose public persona is based on down-home values and caring doesn’t have a thirty minute time slot to grant a kid a wish.  I hope that it isn’t true in the end, and would love to hear back from you if indeed I am mistaken.

Very sincerely,

I Am Appalled At Ina Garten, Food Network’s Heartless Chef

At one time Ina Garten was my favorite chef to watch on the Food Network.  I liked the foods she created,  her comfort in the kitchen, and the smooth conversational style she delivered in each show.

Well, no more!

I was stunned and totally perplexed to learn that Ina Garten snubbed a dying boy who wanted nothing more than to cook with the famous Food Network star. 

She claims to be too busy for Make-A-Wish!

Well Boo Hoo for Ina Garten!

It must be ‘rough’ to juggle a book-tour schedule, show tapings, while rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.

Well pardon a small sick kid for wanting to invade your space for a few hours, Ina!

How about if Ina Garten try juggling life-sustaining IV’s and a laundry list of medical appointments then talk about being busy!

I am appalled at this story.  Everyone should be.

Ina Garten is no longer welcome into this home via television.  We only allow a better class of people here as guests!

TMZ has learned that the Make-A-Wish Foundation (MAW) contacted Food Network star Ina Garten last year on behalf of Enzo, a 6-year-old boy diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, who wanted nothing more but to meet her.

Garten responded that she was unable to meet with Enzo due to a book tour. MAW urged the boy to pick another wish, but he told them that he wanted to wait until she becomes available. The organization went back to Garten this year, but her team responded with a “definite no.”