Trading Million Dollars For Wisconsin Public Pension?

Read this and tell me that Republicans are not bat-crap crazy.

Catching up on newspaper reading this afternoon leads me to this article from The Wall Street Journal concerning the collective bargaining fight in Wisconsin.

Sitting in the Alterra coffee shop this week near Mr. Walker’s home in Wauwatosa, Leonard Noll said he hadn’t spoken to his older sister since late last year.

Mr. Noll, 53 years old, is an entrepreneur who owns a plastics manufacturing company. His sister is a teacher nearby. He is a millionaire but would gladly trade his cash and property for his sister’s pension, he said. “Throw in the health care and you can have my car, motorcycle and boat,” Mr. Noll said.

When his sister sent an email to her four siblings and other family members in February asking them to join her in Madison, Wisconsin’s capital, to protest Mr. Walker’s bill, no one went. The sister didn’t return phone calls seeking comment. “I think she feels betrayed that we didn’t go,” he said, “but we’ve been having this fight for 30 years.”

Perhaps Mr. Noll is just not a very good steward of his own money if he thinks a swap of this type makes any sense.

What are wrong with these conservatives that they would say crap like this out loud….and to a reporter!?  Problem is I suspect many actually believe what they spout.

4 thoughts on “Trading Million Dollars For Wisconsin Public Pension?

  1. dave

    These asshats are all talk. There’s no way this d-bag would trade places. He’s a liar like most of the right-wing trash in the state.

  2. Sue

    Why do I think that Mr. Noll, millionaire owner of a plastics manufacturing company, who owns a motorcycle and boat and all the other goodies associated with the life of a millionaire, somehow can’t afford to offer his employees a decent benefit package?
    Why do I think that Mr. Noll probably qualifies for some of the tax cuts offered by Governor Walker and paid for by middle and lower income Wisconsinites?
    If only some enterprising reporter had thought to ask those questions.

  3. sophia Bierman

    If the reporter producing this article would have done their research first on Leaonard Noll they would see that is being brought to court for Writing a bad check, he has had three previous restraining orders against him by women if the reporter cared to look this guy isn’t a millionnaire he owes back taxes on his property. Anyone who says they are a millionaire aren’t because people with money dont go around talking about it.

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