Are Young Interns Writing Dane County Republican Press Releases?

When my partner James read to me some quotes from the latest press release by the Dane County Republican Party I had to stop him and ask what site he was reading it from.  After all, it sounded so ridiculous that I wanted to make sure it was not from some lame satire writer.  

“No,” he said, “this is from WKOW TV.”

“What!”, I said….and then asked him to read it again.

The Republican Party of Dane County sent out a statement extending their criticism of Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi.

Sumi Tuesday reiterated her temporary halt to any progress of Governor Walker’s collective bargaining bill.

In the release sent out by Republican Party of Dane County spokesperson Jeff Waksman and staff member Blake Gober, Sumi is described as a “leftist,” her son as a “left wing activist,” and stated that if she were to “enforce the law of Wisconsin,” the jurist would “lose her friends!” 

In it, the Dane County GOP also accuses Sumi of prioritizing “foie gras” over “the well being of the people of Wisconsin.” 

The full press release is even more ridiculous.

One really has to wonder which leader of the local GOP thought that the press release was a good use of time and money.  It was not funny, and it reeks of contempt for the judicial branch of government.  Republicans like to let us know they love law and order, but when the tire meets the road they get all nasty.

When the GOP  did not get their way with Judge Sumi it appears they turned things over to the interns in the office.  That is really how the press release sounds.

Sophomoric and immature.

Some public relations advice is needed for these amateurs in the Dane County Republican Party when it comes to these legal matters.  First off, stick to the talking points of the law, and never let the other side know how pissed off you really are by slipping to juvenile high school- type writing.

Now go and get have a beer and for Pete’s Sake don’t put out anymore press releases until the adults get back!

4 thoughts on “Are Young Interns Writing Dane County Republican Press Releases?

  1. CommonCents

    So are the kids writing the “press releases” for the Dane County Republican Party too young to remember that it was Republican Governor Tommy Thompson who appointed Judge Sumi!!

  2. Pingback: Wisconsin GOP attacks Judge Sumi(‘s lifestyle!) « Under The LobsterScope

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