Fox News In Chicago Pleads To Viewers “We Promise We’ll Be Better”

Sometimes it is best to say nothing.

It’s a good thing there’s no one watching Fox Chicago’s noon newscast. Otherwise, there might be hell to pay for the train wreck that aired Wednesday. It was one embarrassing blunder, miscue and snafu after another. (Never mind the hypocrisy that one of the stories ridiculed NBC Nightly News’ Brian Williams for maintaining his composure during a fire drill in his studio.) The Fox disaster culminated a few seconds into a live interview with TMZ’s Harvey Levin when the satellite “window” closed, Levin was cut off midsentence, and the screen went to color bars. “Please give us a chance tomorrow,” an exasperated anchor Patrick Elwood pleaded with viewers at the end of the show. Added co-anchor Jan Jeffcoat: “We promise we’ll be better.” For the record, the noon news averaged a dismal 0.7 rating in November — down 42 percent from a year ago.

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