Sun Prairie Finally Will Aid Deaf Child

It was a rather bizarre series of embarrassing bureaucratic actions that finally came to an end on Tuesday night when the city of Sun Prairie finally agreed to place a “Deaf Child” street sign up for a small girl.  The many week adventure was an example in how not to run local government.

Readers know the mere idea of challenging the mother’s request for the sign was unacceptable to many people in this area.  Local Madison radio was involved with raising funds, and even broadcasting from the mother’s home.  WKOW-TV  reported the story from the start and deserves much credit for showcasing how out of touch local government can be at times.  Another local community actually donated a deaf sign but it was rejected by Sun Prairie officials.  (I am not joking!) I blogged about the outlandish actions by city employees and even gave the work phone numbers of the decision makers urging phone calls.  Some told me that was a bit brazen, but I felt it was warranted.  It was the least I could do.

When the Sun Prairie City Council voted on the matter Tuesday night the words of Alder Hariah Huthowski summed up the matter.  “If this is going to save at least one life, prevent one injury, we want to do that, to err on the side of caution.”  In the end the City Council voted for a blanket policy that anytime a parent knows a sign is needed they can request one. 

The question I asked in previous posts on the matter was how could Sun Prairie city officials, who are paid by the citizens, be so tone deaf politically and so caught up in bureaucratic blather that they missed the common sense nature of the mother’s request?  Right up to the end Mayor Chase was defending the indefensible while suggesting that data shows the signs are not slowing down drivers. 

Well then Mr. Mayor you might post a cop in the neighborhood and nab a few speeders.  The child gets the sign, and the city gets more revenue.  But the bad PR from the past few weeks is yours to share with others who made this parent jump through hoops to just protect her child.

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