Brett Favre: A Child Who Played Football For The Green Bay Packers


If it is early summer it must be time for the annual performance of the drama queen, Brett Favre.  You can set your calendar for the arrival of the antics as he puts on a public show of pouting and tantrums.

How many seasons have we seen the histrionics displayed, in one way or another, at about this time of year as Brett Favre makes a splash for attention?  The question has been in the past will the player that so many drool over be back again to wear the green and gold, and keep otherwise mobile people glued to their sofas for most of the fall and early winter? 

This year many were fooled to think that the teary-eyed, and snotty-nosed performance when Brett Favre retired from the Packers and professional football was the final act to this yearly theatrical production that he engages in.  It was not so much a goodbye as it was a way to make a lot of money from those silly enough who thought him sincere.  But sincerity is not Favre’s strong suit.  His strong suit is acting like a child in public.

The thing about Brett Favre that has long intrigued me, and is now being so embarrassingly displayed, is how immature he is.  He is just a big child who plays football, and has public tantrums for his ‘parents’; in this case the owners and coaches of the Green Bay Packers.  He has never had the opportunity to grow as a person since his early days when everyone fawned over him based on his playing ability.  They told him he could do no wrong, and as such, he seems to never self-regulate his actions.  If he did he would sense how this latest episode looks to the grown up world around him.  It stinks to high heaven!

Here is what the Packers should do.  Force the child’s hand.  If Brett Favre wants to play let him dress up for game day and sit on the Green Bay sidelines and watch as the new QB, Aaron Rodgers, earns his stripes for the team.  No way in hell should the Packers let Brett Favre go until his contract has run out.

It is time Brett Favre started acting liking an adult in the summer, just weeks before the start of the football season.  The Green Bay Packers can now help him learn a few important lessons in this regard.

Updated with this from the Wisconsin State Journal.

The Packers had decided to move on in the wake of Favre reneging on plans to unretire. According to two NFL sources, Favre informed the Packers during the annual NFL meetings in late March — less than a month after his tearful March 6 retirement news conference — that he wanted to play again.

The sources said, at the time, Packers coach Mike McCarthy and general manager Ted Thompson told Favre they would welcome him back, and plans were made for him to return, including chartering a plane to go to Mississippi to complete the comeback deal.

But two days before the meeting was to occur, Favre called the team to say he had changed his mind yet again and had decided he wanted to stay retired.

After yet another flip-flop by Favre, the team decided to commit fully to moving on without Favre, the sources said.

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10 thoughts on “Brett Favre: A Child Who Played Football For The Green Bay Packers

  1. notalib

    What is really amazing is that while this is an election year this is the biggest story in the state. Farve and the Packers generate more interest than the two running for the highest office in the country. Politics in this country have been ruined by the two parties, most people see and understand that no matter who gets elected things really won’t change, so they just don’t care, but when it comes to sports, especially football and the Packers, well there is nothing bigger and more important, and it does matter to them. It’s really quite a interesting phenom.

  2. The fact that this story has legs is not in doubt. I might add that the interest in this story over the last couple of weeks may say more about the citizens, than the political parties.

  3. Deb H

    And I thought I might be the only person in Wisconsin to feel this way.

    Favre’s actions have been supremely selfish and his need for attention is sad. I really hope this story is short-lived, and that Favre can move on and gain appreciation for the rest of his life.

  4. PS Bad News. Most high paid Professional Sports Figures are little boys. I am personally tired of Brian Urlacher’s continual Paternity lawsuits. One of the few classy retirements I saw was Wayne Gretzky from the NHL. He skated off, waved goodbye to the fans and that was it… He took a year or two off and bought the Phoenix Coyotes and became their coach. Brett Favre should take a year or two off and then come back as a QB coach…

  5. arnie

    I read this thing you wrote and was angry this weekend with you. But I watched Fox news last night and saw Brett and wanted to read another time what you had to say. So I am back and I think you are right now. He is not man I thought I knew.

  6. N.Breach

    Brett Favre gave everything of himself to playing the game of football for the Packers. He has surpassed every important NFL record and done it when his heart was breaking from painful personal losses. Ted Thompson doesn’t want to keep the best chance he has for a superbowl run, despite Favre’s unmatched accomplishments, because (please fill in the blank for me since I don’t have a clue)and he has the unbelievable lack of gratitude to let him go after everything Favre has done for the team and the NFL. Shame, shame, shame on you Ted Thompson.

  7. BearsFan

    Favre is over and gone and I only hope he never is allowed any spot on television for sports announcing. I never liked how he treated those who helped him up the ladder.

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