Republican V.P. Nominee Sarah Palin Has Pregnant 17-Year-Old Daughter

The perfect family image is shattering.  Be mindful as you read this the Palin’s son, Track, was farmed off to a military school due to the parents not being able to control his behavior.  Now the kid is being shipped off to Iraq.  Might Sarah Palin be a bad mother?  Would she bring these same ‘skills’ with her and apply them to the nation?

The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.  (Is Sarah just another Desperate Housewife?)

Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin’s five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

Forcing  a marriage at age 17 with a child is just not the right answer for this situation.  What type of misguided and outdated parenting skills did Ms. Palin and her hubby use to come up with teen brides being the answer to this problem.  I suspect the Palin’s were horrified that schools might teach sex education, and denounced passing out contraceptives to teenagers.  But teen marriage…..they are all for it!!??

The chances of this marriage working are horrible, and the Palin’s should know this.   They do no get the good parenting award they want us to think they should have.  And Sarah must not become the next Vice-President of the United States.

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13 thoughts on “Republican V.P. Nominee Sarah Palin Has Pregnant 17-Year-Old Daughter

  1. Mike

    I have to say that I am a bit shocked by this picture perfect family. Of the kids left, would one by chance be a pot head, and another gay–just to round out the image?!

  2. Adam

    Wow! Will they hold off until after the baby is born so that the happy couple can have a White House Wedding, or will we hear the shots from Todd’s rifle fire off over the clear skies of Juneau, Alaska before that? Not exactly a Julie Nixon-David Eisenhower type story, but at least it is proof that Abstinence only education is a sound philosophy! Even your child could grow up, barely, to be just like the VP’s kid!

  3. Anne

    What?–it must already be too late for a late-term “apendectomy” like the Bush girl had one Thanksgiving while her father went on a fishing excursion!

  4. Fred

    I thought the kids were off limits.

    You leftist haters and your double standards never cease to amaze.

    I guess Barack’s kids are now easy targets.

  5. No ti doesn’t Deke, you leftoids are showing yourselves to be the intollerawnt haters that you are.

    Keep it up, the backlash will stun you.

    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… as usual.

  6. Honestly, I could give a crap about Palin’s kids. I think Obama’s repeated statement that he won’t address the story is the right tack to take. Kids are and should be off-limits. Yes, I’m fully aware of the irony in a staunch abstinence-only advocate’s own teenage daughter getting pregnant, but that’s about it.

    There are plenty of reasons to believe that Sarah Palin is unfit for VP duty. I really don’t think this is one of them.

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