Sarah Palin Supporter Brings Racist Monkey “Obama” Doll to Rally

Everytime I think they have hit a new low………I just look at what is happening at the John MCain and Sarah Palin ‘do and say anything to win rallies’, and find a new one.  This video is morally disgusting.  Clearly a racist, the man hands the monkey ‘Obama’ doll off to a child.  Utterly reprehensible.  To bad one of the crowd that witnessed this did not shove the doll up the man’s ass.

7 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Supporter Brings Racist Monkey “Obama” Doll to Rally

  1. You know, I could wrangle up some Obama supporter videos that would curl your hair. But why bother? 300 million people-there’s bound to be a jackass or two out there.

  2. Yeah, nor arguing that there’s kooky folks on both sides of the spectrum, but I don’t hear many liberals at Obama rallies calling for McCain to be put to death, as we’ve heard from supporters at McCain rallies.

  3. Fred

    Nah, just death threats against James T Harris for the crime of being an African American male for McCain.

    Racism and hatred coming from the left, again.

  4. At least the guy took the “Obama” sticker off the monkey’s head before he gave it to the kid (making it just a toy again). Who knows what the guy was thinking. At least he appeared to think giving a kid a toy was more important than holding onto his racist monkey all rally long.

  5. brent

    Thanks for posting the video with your column Sarah Palin Supporter Brings Racist Monkey “Obama” Doll to Rally. I appreciated the opportunity to see for myself that the media and to my shock you, too, have distorted the story. It was not as some media reported an Obama pin on the Curious George monkey doll and as the video shows, there is a stupid and apparently racist man, who disgustingly has an Obama sticker wrapped around the head of a monkey doll. To me the fidgeting man looks rightfully sheepish about his behavior. After removing the Obama sticker and apparently wanting to ditch the toy, (he probably was feeling stupid holding a toy doll), “the man hands the monkey” to a child. At that point the sticker has been removed and as the video shows crumpled up by the weirdo and the monkey doll handed to the child was no longer, as you state, an ” ‘Obama’ doll “. Watch the video carefully! A picture is worth a thousand words, the video is worth a million!

    It is, however, a shame that people on both sides have to be so disgusting in their behavior, be it what appears to be one isolated weirdo or the organized effort of by Obama supports to wear tasteless tee-shirts at rallies calling Palin a cunt or reports of tee- shirts saying “vote bro, not hoe”.

    Take care.

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