Opie And Andy From “Andy Griffith Show” Endorse Barack Obama

This is just well done…..and well said.


5 thoughts on “Opie And Andy From “Andy Griffith Show” Endorse Barack Obama

  1. ferrellgummitt

    Congratulations Ron, you have taken two TV shows that stressed family values and morals and made them a political sounding board for the far left. Cool. Yes, I’m pleased. I put up my DVD copy of “Apollo 13” up on EBAY this morning. If he really wanted wanted to be Pro-Democratic values he should have found Otis the drunk from the Andy Griffith Show and he could have expounded how he has been on welfare for 40 years and staying sauced thanks to liberal Democratic entitlement programs.

  2. dragonmage06

    I agree, that was very well said. In response to ferrell’s comments, I suppose that you will, out of your strong contempt for “liberal Democratic entitlement programs,” refuse Social Security and, if you’re ever out of work, decline unemployment.

  3. ferrellgummitt

    Actually, Dragon, if I may call you that, two years ago, I found myself unemployed for almost 3 months. I did not take unemployment. On Social Security, if it is there in the year 2025 when I am supposed to retire, yes I will take it. No bets on this. But, if it were up to me they should give me some or all of the money I pay for Social Security out of my paycheck and let me invest it.

  4. dragonmage06

    And for those who can’t do as you did and forgo unemployment? What are they do to if you want to get rid of “entitlement programs”? As far as Social Security goes, do you seriously think that the people who need Social Security the most when they get old are going to have the savvy or the ability to invest extra money? And if you were to invest that money, what would your Social Security look like now with the stock market declining? It’s bad enough that peoples’ 401ks are declining without them losing the last sense of security they have for their old age just because of the whims of the stock market.

    Not everyone in this country is lucky enough to be middle class citizens. Not everyone has the ability to save and invest and be fine no matter what misfortunes might come their way. Certainly there are people who take advantage of the system, but most of those who use it are seriously in need of help. They deserve a fair chance just as much as anyone else.

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