Gun Owners Frightened By Democracy

This is creepy.

Sales of rifles, pistols and ammo are surging in parts of the United States, as many gun owners fear President-elect Barack Obama‘s administration may seek to tighten ownership of certain weapons.

“The day after the election, I had many more calls than usual from people looking for semi-automatic rifles,” said David Greenberg, the owner of the Second Amendment Family Gun Shop, in Bisbee, Arizona, who sold out of AR-15 rifles in recent days.

“There seems to be a fear they will be banned, and it’s fairly likely,” he added. “Obama and Biden are driven to eliminate firearms from the face of the country.”

Gun stores and trade groups have reported a spike in firearms sales in the run-up to the November 4 election victory of Democrat Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden, who many perceive as strongly pro-gun control.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industry, reported a 10 percent jump in gun sales this year based on its analysis of an excise tax placed on firearms and ammunition, and a spokesman said the increase had grown dramatically ahead of the election

11 thoughts on “Gun Owners Frightened By Democracy

  1. Some people think gays & lesbians are creepy. Some think taxes are creepy. Some think immunizations are creepy. Some think quotas are creepy. Everybody is creepy to somebody

  2. Chris

    Didn’t you read the scary mailings from the NRA you received before the election. If you don’t hunt you probably don’t get them. Trying to scare people in to thinking Obama wants your guns. I voted for Obama and I hunt. I plan on staying armed too.

  3. Mike

    Go to and do some research. OBAMA WANTS YOUR ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON. HE WANTS YOUR CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT. His words and record shows it. He’ll reinstate the assault weapons ban… that’s low hanging fruit and jiggles the jaggle of all of the folks out there that don’t know jack about what an assault weapon is compared to an “assault style” weapon.

    He may have the highest IQ of any President… but it is obvious he knows very little about guns.

    And if you think this is creepy, it’s obvious you know very little about guns and shooting sports.

  4. Jayne

    Obama was actually endorsed by the American Hunters and SHooter’s Organization. As a hunter and (many) gun owner I too supported Obama. The NRA and many other gun sellers have said what they did to bolster their sales, not because there is any real threat. The NRA doesn’t like anyone who isn’t pro any kind of gun. They thrive on promoting fear whereas most gun owners don’t buy into that mentality. In addition there is a group of Sportsmen for Obama that also worked for his election. Also the anti gun people tell all sorts of fables about what hunters and other gun owners want. That too is “creepy” Greg. Read what the endoresment said:

    WASHINGTON, April 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) announced the endorsement of Senator Barack Obama
    on a national conference call this morning organized by the Obama for President campaign. AHSA President Ray Schoenke made the following statement in his endorsement of Senator Obama:
    My name is Ray Schoenke, President of the American Hunters and Shooters Association and we are today announcing our endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
    As a gun rights organization we have not come to this decision lightly. We were formed two years ago because our research shows that millions of gun owners wanted a change. They not only wanted an organization that would
    protect their gun rights but an organization that was also committed to the protection of their communities as well as the protection of our lands.
    We reached out to the Obama campaign several weeks ago to offer our support and approval as was reported by Paul Bedard of US News and World Report.
    We believe recent attacks on Senator Obama’s stand on the 2nd Amendment and his commitment to our hunting and shooting heritage are unfair and American Hunters and Shooters Association is stepping up to set the record
    Senator Obama has clearly demonstrated his commitment to the 2nd Amendment by his vote in support of the Vitter amendment to HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill of 2007. This amendment prevents the
    Government from confiscating guns in a time of crisis or emergency.
    Imagine how the citizens felt during Hurricane Katrina when government agents kicked in doors to confiscate law abiding citizens’ guns at a time when they needed them the most. We know Senator Obama “gets it.” To say that he
    is an elitist is patently ridiculous.
    To hunters and shooters everywhere, Senator Obama’s vote demonstrated a fundamental understanding of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment which means he
    recognizes the individual right of all citizens to keep and bear arms. Senator Clinton, on the hand, failed to grasp the import- ance of this critical issue to hunters and shooters and voted against this Amendment. She turned her back on America’s gun owners.
    In addition, Senator Obama’s commitment to conservation and protection of our natural resources and access to public lands demonstrates to us his commitment to America’s hunting and shooting heritage.
    Senator Obama will be a strong and authentic voice for America’s hunters and shooters and it is with great pleasure that we endorse his candidacy.

  5. wildlupine

    The AHSA sounds like a promising organization, but the fact is, it was only recently formed, and there is little information on their site. What other good, established and reputable RKBA associations back Barack? JPFO? GOA?

    I, too, have serious issues with the NRA, but I also have serious issues with Barack Obama’s history of speeches in which he steadfastly asserts his aim to ban concealed carry permits. His voting record backs up my reason for concern.

    Barack Obama indeed comes across as a thoughtful, intelligent President Elect. Let’s continue to give him rational, intelligent arguments for the preservation of the Second Amendment and specifically the individual’s right to carry, and show him the pitfalls of the so-called Assault Weapons ban and other ill-conceived legislation. If he proves to be the person I suspect him to be, there will soon be fewer restrictions to firearm ownership than there are today.

  6. Mike

    wildlupine… I want to believe what you wrote… but, I doubt it will go down that way.

    Or maybe I’ve been watching “Red Dawn” too many times 🙂

  7. wildlupine

    Did a bit of research about AHSA. It’s a sham organization created by Dem publicity engines for the purpose of wooing sportsmen and target shooters.

    Keith, I would never surrender my ability to protect myself in order to ensure employment.

    Ben Franklin said, “He who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserves neither.”

    I’ll take it further by saying, “She who would sacrifice the liberty to ensure her own safety deserves to wait 10 minutes for the cops to show up when her abusive, whackjob ex-boyfriend is halfway up the stairs.”

    I used to feel the same way as many well-intentioned but misinformed people do about guns, but then I spent a lot of time researching the issues surrounding and the history behind gun control. I feel very strongly about my position, and Obama’s attitudes toward RKBA (as well as his participation in the ASHA sham) are enough to make me suspicious of his credibility, his decision-making skills and his motives.

  8. notalib

    He will not only get you a job, but pay your mortgage and make sure you have health care, food and a decent car to get to the casino with. He is so wonderful.

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