American Soldier Begs Obama Not To Fire Him

CNN Reports on this important story.    An American soldier writes from his heart, and urges President Obama to act.

It is time that President Obama, who has demonstrated that he is most capable of dealing with the economy, Middle East peace, education, the budget and other items all at once, also place on his agenda one more item.  One that is long over-due for a resolution now.

I have been patient in this regard for the first 100 days, as I think I understand the scope of the mission that Obama is on with a whole host of issues.  But there are many hands at work in his administration, and surely a consensus can be arrived at to produce a quick resolution to this matter.  It may be just as easy as re-reading how Harry Truman dealt with African-Americans in the military.  After all this is 2009, and the answers are not so hard to grasp. 

The Department of the Army sent a letter discharging me on April 23rd. I will not lie to you; the letter is a slap in the face. It is a slap in the face to me. It is a slap in the face to my soldiers, peers and leaders who have demonstrated that an infantry unit can be professional enough to accept diversity, to accept capable leaders, to accept skilled soldiers.

5 thoughts on “American Soldier Begs Obama Not To Fire Him

  1. Harley

    “You don’t need to be ‘straight’ to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight.”

    — Barry Goldwater

  2. Marion

    Did this soldier ever think that maybe his time is up and his ideas are not working as the reason he was retired from military? If no progress has been made on the front it’s time to give someone with fresh ideas a shot.
    being gay or straight won’t win the war and complaining about it or thinking someone else is complaining has really nothing to do with the war effort.
    I’m reminded of a line from Mash, that popular Korean War story…there are no athiest in a fox hole. Gay or straight when the bullets are flying is so insignificant.
    I think the soldier needs to dig a little deeper as to why he was retired.

    1. Why should a soldier be fired because he/she is gay?

      That is why the soldier is being ‘retired’.

      The policy of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ needs to be removed. If Israel, and a whole host of nations can have a policy where gay people serve I think the United States can, and should, do the same.

  3. Harley

    Is anything diminishing this man’s abilities from defending our country to the best of his ability?

    Answer: No. Tell HR to put him back on the payroll.

    The last I recall being Gay does not diminish a man or woman’s abilities from defending our country.

    If he is having a relationship with another man in his outfit and he is going AWOL to go see him then yes you may have a reason there.

    Otherwise let the man do his job…

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