Local Man Who Beat Puppy To Death Needs Firmness Of The Law

I am quite certain that a  news story which by now most everyone in Dane County has already heard about made us all cringe.  No matter where we heard or read it, part of us went numb and weak inside for a moment.   I first heard of the ruthless and appalling behavior of  Dwayne R. Johnson while listening to the radio while driving home late this afternoon.  Johnson is suspected of beating a puppy to death after having a tiff with his girlfriend.  I gripped the wheel a little tighter and uttered some words that would never get past the censor here at CP. 

I hope that those who have the power to do so make sure that  Johnson gets the firmness of the law applied to the fullest extent possible.  It is these type of actions against animals that showcase the rage and anger that is lurking inside, that often turns into violent acts against people.  There is some serious ‘head-work’ that needs to be done for this suspect.  Society must not allow for any slap on the wrist or other meaningless remedy to be applied.  Someone like this who exhibits such revolting behavior needs professional help in a controlled enviroment.   Now.

Police said Johnson questioned the ownership of his girlfriend’s puppy and said that if he could not have the puppy no one would. 

Police said Johnson then beat the dog with a large flashlight, striking the dog in the head and body numerous times. Johnson then tossed the puppy into a Dumpster, police said.

A veterinarian’s examination of the dog determined the puppy was a 4- to 6-week-old female pit bull that died as a result of “massive head trauma as well as rib fractures,” which punctured the puppy’s lungs, according to a news release from the Fitchburg Police Department.

Police said witnesses who reported the incident were afraid to intervene in the beating due to the size of the suspect (6’ 1” 530 Pounds) and the violent behavior he was engaged in.



One thought on “Local Man Who Beat Puppy To Death Needs Firmness Of The Law

  1. PartiallyBlue

    A 530 pound man has a girlfriend? There is hope for all of us.

    I agree that psych testing for rage (and possibly anger management) is needed. Preventing another incident of rage is appropriate.

    As for the puppy, this is a horrible end.

    As for ‘firmness of law’, I am not sure what that means but we should remember that this was an animal and that animals are killed everyday by animal shelters, by meat packing plants, and by people in cars. The death of an animal should be taken in that context.

    The uncontrolled rage that led to it should be treated.

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