Newspaper Front Pages On Passage Of Historic Health Care

Newspapers are the first draft of history, and these front pages showcase the moment we are living.  This is what it feels like to live what future generations will read about and reflect upon.  Quite an awesome thought for a Monday morning!

2 thoughts on “Newspaper Front Pages On Passage Of Historic Health Care

  1. Ferrell Gummitt

    To the House Republicans who stood strong in their resolve and who voted en masse against this disaster, Thanks.

    To the brave House Democrats who voted NO to Health Care, Thanks.

    To the majority of House Democrats who have saddled our future generations with yet more trillions of unfunded debt, and who have started what was the greatest health care system on earth on the road to ruin, “Thanks.”

    To the 30+ million Americans who are now piling into the cart that the one half of Americans who actually do pay taxes have been forced to pull all of these years…”Thanks.”

    What a sorry state of affairs when we see Nancy Pelosi and her band of useful idiots gleefully announce that they have piled more debt upon a nation at the brink of bankruptcy.

    But hey…..we will face the bankruptcy judge in good health.

    Today, I am truly, truly sad for our country. We are now truly a socialist country with capitalism swinging in the breeze at the end of the healthcare rope.

  2. There are no words to describe how I feel about your comment that reads, “To the 30+ million Americans who are now piling into the cart that the one half of Americans who actually do pay taxes have been forced to pull all of these years…”

    You have now shown that you 1)are not aware of what you are writing about as most of those you write about work damn hard every day but still can not affoed the health care that you seemingly have and 2) that you are heartless.

    Where have you been the past decades? Do you not hear the stories from your freinds and co-workers? Do you not hear the plight of those highlighted in news accounts? HEARTLESS!

    I am stunned by your words that you wrote.

    Now I suspect you attend church and sit all neat and tidy on Sunday morning. And then on Monday you wrote…..and I post again….To the 30+ million Americans who are now piling into the cart that the one half of Americans who actually do pay taxes have been forced to pull all of these years…”


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