Republican Shouts “Baby-Killer” As Congressman Stupak Speaks on House Floor

Things grew ugly on Sunday night after the House of Representatives passed the Senate bill on health care.  It was then that Congressman Supak was speaking against a Republican proposal when a member of the GOP on the House floor screamed out “baby-killer’.  It was a stunned national audience that again witnessed the lack of decorum from Republicans, and the continued rise of the lowest common denominator.   There is no room for this type of behavior in a civil debate and the orderly procedure as was taking place on the House floor.

There must be a name attached to the boorish one who acted in this fashion, and responsibility taken.  A reprimand needs to be handed down to the offender.  We would not allow this from our kids in school.  We should not demand any less from the minority party in Congress.

3 thoughts on “Republican Shouts “Baby-Killer” As Congressman Stupak Speaks on House Floor

  1. Barry

    Gawker is reporting that the “baby killer” comment was made by Republican George Radanovich of California. Radanovich has not yet uttered a denial. BTW this is a great post!

  2. GB hero (edited)

    (Editors Note….For well over a year ‘GB Hero’ was not allowed to post here. But over the past couple weeks he has come back and I thought we had turned a new page. He presented himself in reasonable ways which allowed his conservative side to be presented and done so in a mature and common-sense manner. So I was saddened today to see the return of the action that got him kicked out out of the comment section of this blog in the first place. I write all this as I am upset about it. I do not want to turn people aside from commenting, and yet I also can not allow this site to become littered with really off-the-wall stuff. To state that Stupak is a baby-killer, this from one of the most anti-abortion members in the Democratic Party shows both a disdain for the truth and the facts that have been present for a long time, and the continuation of red-meat at any cost type of political dialouge. That just will not happen on this blog. I am not an unreasonable person, in fact, quite the opposite. I had truly hoped that ‘GB Hero had turned a page in how he would conduct himself.)

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