Sen. Murkowski Will Air Ad Featuring Ted Stevens

Ka-ching.  There is no way the Seante Democratic candidate will win in Alaska.  But the Tea Party can be stopped in Sarah Palin’s backyard.   Here is the latest step to do that very thing.  Jow Miller can be stopped.  This is one of the many, many races that will make Election Day grand.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski will be airing a campaign commercial featuring former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens. The commercials were filmed shortly before Stevens’ Aug. 9 death in a plane crash; the Murkowski campaign chose not to air them until now.

One of Stevens’ daughters, Sue Covich, recorded a new introduction to the commercial. In it, Stevens says he trusts Murkowski, and that she’s “working for Alaska every single day.” Stevens’ 2004 endorsement of Murkowski and the commercials he recorded for her at the time are widely credited with aiding her narrow win over former Democratic Gov. Tony Knowles in that race.

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