Bradley Manning In Solitary Confinement, Push-Ups Forbidden

There is more to the story concerning Bradley Manning than meets the eye

There has to be.  There is no way that Bradley Manning would have committed what he is accused of without a bigger ‘backstory’ than what the public has so far been offered.  The DADT angle to this story is just not very believable.  That Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has used information that allegedly came from Manning is the common refrain.  But we all know it needs further illumination. WHY would Manning have done it?  That the United States government has kept very quiet on this matter seems typical, but not comforting for those of us interested in due process.

The harsh prison detention conditions endured by Bradley Manning – the US soldier who is alleged to have supplied classified government documents to WikiLeaks – have emerged. For the last seven months, Private Manning, 23, has been kept in a cell six feet wide and 12 feet long, in solitary confinement at a maximum security military jail at Quantico, Virginia.Lieutenant Colonel David Coombes, the lawyer defending him, pointed out that his client, who faces a 52-year sentence if convicted, is still being held on “Prevention of Injury Watch” for those deemed to be at risk of self-harm.

Friends of Private Manning say that this has become a means by the authorities to pressurise him into giving evidence against Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

A typical day for Private Manning begins with being woken at 5am in the cell, which has a drinking fountain and a toilet. He is then allowed to put on his clothes, which he surrendered on going to bed the night before.Under the rules, Private Manning is not allowed to sleep at any time between 5am and 8pm; if he does so, he is made to sit up or stand by the guards. He is allowed just one hour of exercise a day, even then not in the fresh air, but an empty room where he can walk in figures of eight. Any attempt by him to keep himself busy by, for example, doing press-ups, or sit-ups, is forbidden.

He is not allowed to associate with his fellow inmates and has never seen them, although he does occasionally hear their voices.Private Manning is allowed to watch local television channels, for up to three hours on weekdays; sometimes more at weekends. But he does not have access to wider news coverage. He is allowed one book and one magazine at a time, from an approved list of 15, and is allowed approved visitors at prescribed times. Lt Col Coombes said the guards have, at all times, behaved correctly towards Private Manning. But, under the regulations, their conversations with him must be minimal.

The guards have to check every five minutes that Private Manning is ok, and he has to verbally confirm that he is alright. The same checks are continued during the night, and, if the guards cannot see Private Manning because he has pulled a blanket over his head (he is allowed blankets but not sheets or pillows) then they wake him up.

9 thoughts on “Bradley Manning In Solitary Confinement, Push-Ups Forbidden

  1. Patrick

    It appears that Manning is a traitor. If he is convicted, I hope these remain the conditions of his imprisonment for the rest of his sentence. Who cares why he turned traitor? Lets not turn him into some victim; he is no victim.

    1. I do not see it quite that way. I think there is more and more reason to think that Manning is a victim. Not the complete innocent victim, perhaps. But a vicitm all the same. That is one reason I am interested. And want more information.

      1. Patrick

        I don’t know that Manning is a traitor either. You’ll notice that I said “appears” and “if found guilty.” But if he is found guilty, I don’t know why whatever he is feeling victimized over should in any way excuse him from the fullest measure of justice, and by this I mean punishment. Victims have choices and choices have consequences. I really, really hope this has nothing to do with DADT, but rather some private grudge or greed.

      2. Patrick

        The Progressive Democrats of America (read socialists:)) report that the Feds have a substantial string of emails between Ass and Manning. There are also co-conspirators. I hope the government would also go after media outlets like the NYTimes or even the WSJ if they are proven to have been conspirators, too.

        1. You will note that case law makes your last point, well…pointless. That a newspaper reported these documents does not place them in legal jeopardy nor does it in any way demonstrate being a ‘conspirator’.

    2. I don’t know that Manning is a traitor. Yes, he did take government information but at the moment the only evidence that he did anything is he released a video of the killing of the journalists by an attack helicopter. However, taking and releasing ‘secret’ information is not the same as giving information to our enemies or foreign governments.

      If I am reading the whole story correctly, there is no direct link from Manning to Assange. The informant that turned in Manning does not know of any Manning-Assange link.

      I agree with Deke that there is more to this story and I will remain objective until we know more.

      There is a reason that the military has not charged Manning with giving secrets to Assange: they have no evidence. . . yet.

  2. felibu

    Wow, your comments are horrifying Patrick. Government secrets, such as Watergate or the shooting of Reuters journalists, will never come to light unless SOMEONE releases them illegally.

    Rather than being a traitor, Manning COULD (note: I said “could” because this is a matter of interpretation and belief) very well be a brave patriot, for trying to morally cleanse his country, hereby meaning making public all the grave errors and faults that have been committed.

    Now, EVEN IF you see Manning as a traitor, the rights EVERY HUMAN HAS (therefore “human rights”) CANNOT be taken away from anybody. This is not only extremely questionable moral behavior (after all the US pretends to be a country based on Christian values; THIS IS AS ANTI-CHRISTIAN AS YOU CAN GET!!) but it’s also a danger to the democracy of the USA. The government cannot treat people according to their will, they have to retain their human rights.

    This certainly is a violation of human rights, however the government is just too powerful and therefore it is legally OKAY. Morally, and according to Christian values, this is highly inhumane and disgusting behavior.

  3. Name

    I’m extremely glad I don’t live in the US. You probably can’t find a more filthy corrupt police state than you. Paraniod and sick bastards.

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