Why Mitt Romney Trying To Be Authentic Should Concern Us

When I worked in the Wisconsin State Legislature I knew a member who desired to run for congress.  (For reasons that will soon be apparent that person will not be named.)  After hiring a consultant to do some preliminary work a report was submitted to outline some basics that might be considered when thinking of making a run for that office.   One of the first things listed made me aware that all are not meant for higher office.  Among the observations the consultant noticed and commented on the was the need for the legislator to turn a light on in a room that is entered and taking off your coat.  I am not kidding.

So when I read that somehow it has been made aware to Mitt Romney that he needs to be authentic it sends a message.  It is one thing to be wrong on policy matters but a whole other thing to lack self-awareness.

If he runs again in 2016, Romney is determined to re-brand himself as authentic, warts and all, and central to that mission is making public what for so long he kept private. He rarely discussed his religious beliefs and practices in his failed 2008 and 2012 races, often confronting suspicion and bigotry with silence as his political consultants urged him to play down his Mormonism.

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