Scott Walker Campaign Slipping And Sliding Away

There is no good news in the press today for Scott Walker who is trying to make it seem he is capable and credible enough to be president.  After not out-right dismissing the idea of a fence between the United States and Canada as a crazy notion on Meet The Press Walker is left to only hear the laughter and see the shaking heads from those who once thought he had what it took to be in the top tier of contenders for 2016.  The problem is, of course, that this comment was not the first–nor will it be the last–from someone who is not smart enough to be a cabinet secretary let alone sit in the Oval Office. What we are witnessing is simply embarrassing and it reflects poorly on Wisconsin.

The Washington Post started their news article today with laying the Walker campaign problem front and center for all to see.

But his candidacy has wilted in the heat of a summer dominated by Donald Trump, with loyalists and supporters now calling for an immediate mid-course correction.

Walker’s backers see a campaign discombobulated by Trump’s booming popularity and by his provocative language on immigration, China and other issues. They see in Walker a candidate who — in contrast to the discipline he showed in state races — continues to commit unforced errors, either out of lack of preparation or in an attempt to grab for part of the flamboyant businessman’s following.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel who often has allowed Walker more breathing space politically weighed in, too.

Polling data shows that the governor’s greatest loss of home-state support this year has occurred among independents, moderates and voters in northern and western Wisconsin, swing regions that were key to Walker’s statewide victories.

“It’s really in the middle of the (political) spectrum … where we’ve seen a substantial falloff in his support,” says Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette University Law School poll, who provided the numbers for this analysis.

Statewide, Walker’s approval rating is down a little more than 8 points among registered voters this year, from an average of 48.6% in the four pre-election polls Marquette did in the fall of 2014 to an average of 40.3% in Marquette’s two 2015 polls.

That drop in approval coincides with a controversial budget and the governor’s presidential bid, which is also struggling at the moment.

The trend is all the more striking because in the three previous years, Walker’s approval rating rarely budged, never rising above 51% or dropping below 46% in 27 polls during 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The Associated Press summed up the chaos concerning the issues that Walker has bungled along the way, proving he is not ready for prime time.

He also outlined his foreign policy goals, criticized President Barack Obama and Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton as “leading from behind” and called for a state visit with the Chinese president to be canceled.

Yet in the past 10 days, Walker also changed his stance three times on whether he, like Trump, favored doing away with the constitutional right to citizenship granted to people born in the United States. Walker finally said he had no position on the issue and he would not seek repeal of the 14th Amendment that provides that right.

During his campaigning, he has drawn the ire of Wisconsin state lawmakers who chafed at Walker, saying they weren’t on board with his 2011 push to weaken the state’s public employee unions.

In New Hampshire, Walker also said recently there were only a “handful” of moderate followers of Islam — a religion followed by more than a billion people worldwide. His campaign spokeswoman later attempted to dampen criticism of his comment, issuing a statement that Walker knows that the majority of Muslims “want to live in peace.”

In addition there is a powerful graph from the MJS that shows the problems that Walker has created and is unable to manage.


2 thoughts on “Scott Walker Campaign Slipping And Sliding Away

  1. The sad truth is that Walker is and always has been anti-education, probably owing to his less-than-pretty exit from Marquette. While this may fly with local rubes dumb enough to fall for a guy who comes right out and says he’s going to “divide and conquer” them, there aren’t enough people in the US who share Walker’s abject hatred of education and the educated to allow him anywhere near the Oval Office. Canadian fence? WTF???

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