Brett Kavanaugh ‘Sex-Capades’ Does Not Meet Smell-Test

I want to see Brett Kavanaugh rejected by the Senate, but want it done on legal foundations and logical conclusions.  Not on what is the latest attempt at a headline and a smear campaign that makes everyone look bad.  Today this news was reported in The New Yorker.

The woman, who has asked not to be identified, first approached Democratic lawmakers in July, shortly after Trump nominated Kavanaugh. The allegation dates back to the early nineteen-eighties, when Kavanaugh was a high-school student at Georgetown Preparatory School, in Bethesda, Maryland, and the woman attended a nearby high school. In the letter, the woman alleged that, during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself. Although the alleged incident took place decades ago and the three individuals involved were minors, the woman said that the memory had been a source of ongoing distress for her, and that she had sought psychological treatment as a result.

I am somewhat familiar with background checks and the depths that are taken to assure reasonable people that a candidate for a position meets the required standards.  Kavanaugh has cleared those hurdles in the past.  And now at the 11th hour there is suddenly a chink found that makes for a sudsy headline.

But I am not buying it.  Nor should you.

If this was of the degree and magnitude that some now want the public to know about why did it not come out sooner in the process?  The committee vote is slated for next week.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the alleged incident took place when all the parties were teenagers.  No should still mean no, and there is no denying that teens are still working through how to handle hormones while not having enough experience in how to process good decision making.   But if the matter was so awful then it should have already come to the top and been dealt with–decades ago.

For this matter to land at the 11th hour, after having been made known to some lawmakers for weeks, makes this a mess that stains congress.  It does not help the ones who wish to deny Kavanaugh a seat on the court for his harsh view of the law or his cozy words for a constitutionally flawed Orange President.   Instead it makes their truly honorable work seem stained, too.  And this is a real bad outcome for the efforts they have undertaken for the nation.

3 thoughts on “Brett Kavanaugh ‘Sex-Capades’ Does Not Meet Smell-Test

  1. Ed Hammer

    It’s unfortunate, but somewhat understandable, that this kind of thing has fuzzied up the discussion. The Republicans have been doing this for years. The Democrats may be a bit like the farmer wrestling with a hog in the barnyard. They are both going to be muddy, but the hog will enjoy it. On the other hand, this allegation might just force some Republicans to drop support just to curry favor with women voters. It’s a sad time we live in.

  2. Mark Phillips

    I support judge Kavanagh 38 years ago and high school does not shape the person most of us have become but if the dems do railroad this outstanding choice I then hope president trum nominates one that will overturn roe VS wade so that holocaust decision goes back to the states where it belongs

  3. Pingback: #MeToo movement is groping for political retribution in the Kavanaugh case | Stately Blaska Manor

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