Fox News Vs. The New York Times And The Role Facts Need To Play In Our Democracy

One of those must reads which underscores why we are, where we are.

By the time I take office, what you increasingly have is a media environment in which if you are a Fox News viewer, you have an entirely different reality than if you are a New York Times reader…”

This is a point I have been making for years when it comes to how adrift conservatives are when it comes to facts.

When it comes to Fox News I have long stressed the lesson to be learned is that we can see what happens when one peddles false information and insane conspiracy theories in order to pander to a viewership they know will hang on to your every word without even thinking there might be a chance it couldn’t be true.

Does anyone else see how dangerous this can be?

Who can honestly tell me that anyone with a dose of common sense or one iota of intelligence could stomach even a couple minutes of Sean Hannity without seeking the remote to stop the crazy or blush that some one might catch them wasting time with such a lightweight?

Let no one miss the point which needs to be hammered home.

We have in this nation come to think–among a sizable segment of the TV viewing audience–that a major news organization should function as the propaganda arm of an extremist political ideology.  That group of FOX viewers are fed hours and hours of  content loaded with racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, paranoia and manufactured outrage.  And it is fed to this demographic of mainly old angry white men with a stupefying and brazen disregard for what is factual.

Put a blonde short-skirted woman on as the lies are spewed and the geezer crowd damn near wet themselves.  Or is that just the normal leakage for them? That is the slice of the nation who voted for Trump and drove this nation straight into the ravine which we now find ourselves.

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