Safety Of Children AT MSD More Important Than Protecting Gun-Toting Student With “Two Magazines With Rounds In Them”, Staff Need To Be Fired

The story from La Follette High School starts with a lead paragraph that had me reading the whole article on the front stoop after removing the blue plastic bag.  No waiting to read it after pouring a cup of coffee due to the story’s gravitas. On at least two occasions school staff objected to police arresting at least one student who brought a gun to school, including one case in which two staffers lied about being the students’ legal guardians.

Kyshawn M. Bankston, 18, was charged May 9 with possession of a firearm on school grounds and carrying a concealed weapon after being arrested at the school two days earlier. Police had been called to the school about an unrelated robbery, but while there they were informed by staff that Bankston might have a gun and were asked for help searching his backpack.

Police found a handgun, two magazines with rounds in them, a scale and an empty plastic bag that had contained marijuana, and as they moved to arrest Bankston, he lunged for the gun and had to be restrained, according to police.

It was while Bankston was being arrested that an unnamed “security assistant” at the school became “erratic and upset” at police for making the arrest, according to a screenshot of part of the police report on the incident that was shared with the Wisconsin State Journal.

“We’re supposed to protect kids here,” the security assistant reportedly told principal Mat Thompson. “This is the second time you’ve done this to [Bankston].”

Police said in the report that “the staff member was strongly implying that MPD was at fault for an adult student bringing a gun onto school grounds and resisting our attempts at arrest.”

It was in this case that then-La Follette staff members Zeyheari Powell and Brittany McKinney told police they were the “legal guardians” of two male students being investigated in the case, according to the police report, which notes that a check of school records showed they were not their guardians.

McKinney then followed officers as they escorted the arrested student out of the building, “yelling something to the effect of, ‘They knew what they were doing,’ and, ‘They are doing this on purpose so all the students can see this.’”

A screenshot of part of a Madison police report obtained by the Wisconsin State Journal in which the officer reports that a La Follette staff member objected to police arresting a student for allegedly having a gun in school. The police department has declined to release the full report, saying the investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Police say in the report that they waited until students were back in their classrooms before taking the student out of the “nearest exit.” Police say McKinney and Powell later followed the arresting officer to the Central District police station, where someone presented herself at the window as the “mom” of one of the students.

“Based on the time and proximity of McKinney, I believed it was McKinney” who pretended to be the teen’s mother, the report says. Later in the report, police note that the boy’s real mother also showed up at the police station and had contact with officers.

With all those who claim to be or actually are the parents, one thing is most clear. There is not a lot of parenting going on for a young man in dire need of it.

The facts of the article about Bankston who brought a gun on school grounds and the behavior of some school staff are staggeringly troubling.  While the school district has far too often needed to deal with the violence and crime that impacts our society, what occurred is simply more than can be accepted by the taxpayers who pay for the education of our youth. And expect school staff to always make sure students are safe! The vast majority of the public is not blind with delusions about those who carry a gun to a school or how to deal with a hoodlum and repeated law-breaker.  

Let us be honest.  When it comes to gun crimes, be it the story from a high school or the illegal actions of Hunter Biden, we must not accept lawbreakers. Either gun laws have meaning, or they are mere words to make us feel better.  Enough of the equivocating and trying to select where such laws are to be enforced. If we are correct, and we are about Donald Trump not being above the law, and how our laws need to be applied equally to all in our society, then let us also state plainly that it applies to those who break statutes about gun laws. Enough of the liberal guilt which too often clouds over the facts when it comes to such cases.

I have written over 600 posts about gun violence and needed gun control measures on this blog. I do not mince my words when it comes to the obscene violence and cost to society from guns or their owners. It is heartbreaking to learn after a national gun tragedy that parents either bought a gun or in some way aided a teenager in having access to one. In the case above we had taxpayer-funded school employees go out of their way to prevent the laws about gun control from being enforced. Those who cared more about the student with a gun and loaded rounds rather than the whole school community must be fired. If we cannot trust them to best serve the greater good every hour of the school day we can never trust them for anything when it comes to student safety.

7 thoughts on “Safety Of Children AT MSD More Important Than Protecting Gun-Toting Student With “Two Magazines With Rounds In Them”, Staff Need To Be Fired

  1. Solly

    You are right on Deke. The school staff that lied repeatedly and created a commotion at the school and at the police station should be fired and charged with disorderly conduct, obstruction of a police investigation and giving a false statement. Of course there will probably be no action by the school or district administration or school board taken. I hope the paper follows up on that.

  2. Not to take away from your point about how irresponsible the school staff reacted in this situation, but I’m surprised you didn’t seem to notice this lil’ tidbit:

    a scale and an empty plastic bag that had contained marijuana

    One of the unintended(?) consequences of the War on Drugs is that Prohiptionist-style policies directly leads to more guns&violence on the streets. I shouldn’t have to connect the dots on that one – Simply ask yourself when is the last time you heard about a kid carrying a gun while selling chewing tobacco to other kids or how often are there shootings because of a booze sale gone wrong? I believe it’s been almost a hundred years since the latter, and don’t recall ever hearing a story about the former.

    To sum it up – if you want to get guns out of the schools, then allow adult substances to be sold in the stores.

    1. I did know of the scale and bag of drugs in the student’s backpack. The fact there was a gun and two filled magazines on school property and knowing the number of school shootings in our nation where members of the school community are killed or injured made the drug part of the story far below in importance. There is not now, and will not be any state that allows minors to buy pot, even in those states where the door is open for sales to adults. Your sentence is quite staggering if one just ponders it for a half-second. “Simply ask yourself when is the last time you heard about a kid carrying a gun….” You normalized a most outrageous behavior that has profoundly dire consequences and seem to justify the criminal behavior of bringing a gun on school grounds, because hey, ‘I am a businessman!’ Drug sales should never occur on school grounds! While I detest the mafia there was one rule many of the families carried out in the first half of the 20th century, and some well into the second half, and that was not dealing in the drug trade. For instance, a member of the Gambino crime family crime in the 70s or even 80s who dealt in drugs would have been risking his life by breaking the family’s rule against drug trafficking. It says a lot about some teenagers today that do not have the ethics of even a mobster.

      1. I didn’t justify him bringing a weapon into the school anymore than you justified the Mafia killing one of their own…was simply stating a cold-hard fact. When a product/substance is outlawed then those sellers and buyers will be more likely to arm themselves…not because of the product itself, but rather because of the laws surrounding it.

        There are no states that.allow beer to be sold to minors, yet we don’t hear about kids selling beer at school. And we certainly don’t hear about kids getting shot over a “beer deal” gone bad. Why do you think that is?

        1. (Sorry for the lateness in posting your comment) I understand the point you are making. Inherent in that point, however, is the lack of brakes that society can use to stem the use of pot. Beer (and alcohol) is so prevalent in society that there is no need for teens to sell it at school. That then should be the model for pot? I contend that the abuse of alcohol in our society is rampant and has damaging consequences. Should we desire the same outcome with pot? And if so, then what other drug(s) should be considered allowable within the argument you are making? Studies show the damage pot does to youth and teenage brains (and I know you likely differ with those studies) so the question with legalized pot and making for wide availability (as beer and alcohol is now) how would you suggest stemming the increase of adolescent drug use?

          1. “I contend that the abuse of alcohol in our society is rampant and has damaging consequences.”

            I agree – however I beleive that the laws that banned booze in our country had a far worse effect on our society than the use of booze itself. Do you disagree?

            Ain’t saying that poking smot is 100% harmless. However, President Nixon’s hand-picked commission studied this issue in depth and they determined that the worse health risk a marijuana user faces is getting caught. Why do you disagree with them?

            President Carter went on to say that penalties for drug possession should not be more harmful to an individual than the drug itself. Do you agree or disagree with him on that?

            “I know you likely differ with those studies”

            Depends on the study. If you’re referring to the ones where they determined marijuana “kills brain cells” or the ones which prove it makes “men grow tits and turn gay” then yeah….I’m gonna refute that Reefer Madness nonsense.

            “how would you suggest stemming the increase of adolescent drug use?”

            The number of youth who use tobacco and/or alcohol has decreased over the past several years, yet those substances remain legal for adults (for now). That shows that society is able to provide some “brakes” on all kinds of things without having the cops shoot anyone over it, so I say lets learn some lessons from those campaigns. A good start would be to end our current Federal policy which states marijuana is more dangerous & more addictive than cocaine….’cause lying to kids like that does far more harm than good.

            Would also like to point out that “my body – my choice” shouldn’t only apply to abortions…if an adult wants to ingest an all-natural plant material then who are you to tell ’em that they should be severely punished (or even killed) for doing so? What is it about other people toking up that makes you feel like a victim?

            (PS – no need to apologize for any lateness/delays in approving comments. Despite our difference of opinion on a couple different matters, I do got respect for you & the bloggin’ you do and ain’t gonna be uptight over my words not getting posted RIGHT away. I’ve been discussing things online since the late 1980s, and absolutely understand why comment moderation needs to be turned on…lol)

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