Green Bay Packers And Guatemala

This morning a note appeared in my email from a friend who retired from her job and lives for the most part in Guatemala. 

It is 7:15 am and I was puttering around the apartment, making coffee and half listening to the TV morning news.  All of a sudden, I was sure I heard the words “Green Bay Packers.”  My first thought was that I was having some kind auditory hallucination/flash-back.  I turned the look at the screen and, there they were.  A group of Packers, their helmets off, saluting the flag while some woman I did not recognize (but who is undoubtedly famous) was adding unnecessary vocal flourishes to the national anthem in an attempt to disguise her lack of range. 

Even in Guatemala, there is no escaping the Super Bowl. ( I wanted to tell her “Oh, you should be here.”)

Stay warm and keep shoveling,