Green Bay Packers And Guatemala

This morning a note appeared in my email from a friend who retired from her job and lives for the most part in Guatemala. 

It is 7:15 am and I was puttering around the apartment, making coffee and half listening to the TV morning news.  All of a sudden, I was sure I heard the words “Green Bay Packers.”  My first thought was that I was having some kind auditory hallucination/flash-back.  I turned the look at the screen and, there they were.  A group of Packers, their helmets off, saluting the flag while some woman I did not recognize (but who is undoubtedly famous) was adding unnecessary vocal flourishes to the national anthem in an attempt to disguise her lack of range. 

Even in Guatemala, there is no escaping the Super Bowl. ( I wanted to tell her “Oh, you should be here.”)

Stay warm and keep shoveling,

5 thoughts on “Green Bay Packers And Guatemala

  1. Tammy

    I have seen a number of negative post here regarding the Super Bowl. I understand that you enjoy politics but the vast majority of this country would put sports well ahead of politics. At least with sports you know you have honesty and integrity, with politics today all you have are wealthy men and women making sure their pocketbooks and the people who fund their campaigns are taken care of, the people who enjoy sports in this country are ignored by all of them. Politics in this country has about as much integrity as a used car salesman, I have no respect for politicians from the local level to the national level they are all dishonest and crooked no matter which party they belong to.

  2. Tammy,

    You are welcome to your opinions, but you are not welcome to your own facts.

    You write, “I have seen a number of negative post here regarding the Super Bowl’


    In fact, I never wrote once about the Super Bowl that was played this past Sunday until Monday morning when I posted this one that you commented on.

    The only other one I wrote dealt with the dreadful singing of the national anthem, and that was not about the Super Bowl, but the song itself.

    So I am not sure where you are reading “a number of negative post here regarding the Super Bowl’ but it was not on my blog.

    While I welcome you as a reader I do ask that you not misrepresent me or the blog.

    Comment on the posts, but do so factually.


  3. Tammy,

    You write, “At least with sports you know you have honesty and integrity”

    Really? Are you kidding me with this rot?

    Lets look at Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. His criminal charges in a sex assault scandal stemming from a night of drinking in a Georgia bar would be a part of the honesty and integrity of sports you were speaking of, I suppose?

    Brett Farve sending his penis pics to a woman and cheating on his wife mgiht be another moral member of the sports establishment?

    There is a golfer named Tiger….

    I am not suggesting that there are not plenty of sleazy folks in politics too, and I write often about them. But I would never hold politics above others as an example, and I suggest you not do that in regards to sports.

    There has never been more crass and undeserving folks for hero-worship than some of those who get paid lots of money to play a game.

  4. Tammy

    I agree that there are a number of sports figures who do not represent the game very well and should not be held up as role models, however, there are zero, zip , not a single politician I would ever look up to and would never want my kids to say, I really like that politician as my role model, politicians are dishonest, self centered and to blame for everything that has gone bad with our country. They are the worse form of life there possible is.

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