Madison City Council Correct To Debate Bush Impeachment Proceedings

I am not unsympathetic to the idea that local government, such as the Madison City Council, should deal with the many thorny issues that confront our city before venturing into rhetorical waters over issues pertaining to national politics.  It is not that I disagree with the tone of the debates, or the votes that come as a result of council resolutions that might deal with the Iraq War or some social policy.  I just understand the city council has limited powers, and therefore I want them to spend their time on matters that they can impact the most. 

So readers might find it perplexing that I should applaud the idea of passing a city council resolution Tuesday urging Congress to begin impeachment investigations against President Bush and Vice President Cheney.  In this case I will forgive the council the time it takes to debate and vote on this measure.  And before anyone surmises that my position is political, I adamantly deny it.  The reason that this resolution needs to be debated and press attention drawn to it goes to the very foundation of our democracy.   This matter is far more important than mere politics.

The constitutional crack that has developed as the result of the last seven years of President Bush being in the White House is of such supreme importance, and has such huge implications to our nation, that it is incumbent for all citizens to make a statement, and take a stand. 

When the Bush Administration manipulated for political purposes the intelligence to make Congress authorize, and the public to support, the war efforts in Iraq the seeds for impeachment of President Bush were sown. The bastardization of national security data does constitute the definition of an impeachable offense.

For our nation to turn our heads and pretend that such a massive, corrosive, and monstrous policy was not thrust on the public by the Bush White House would be worse than the deed itself.  It is our duty as Americans to stand up in whatever forum it might be and reject this way of conducting our nation’s business.  Not only do we owe it to ourselves and future generations to hold President Bush accountable, but we also owe it to the dead soldiers who went to Iraq and died for a lie.  I am certain that those American soldiers who died for a lie as a result of the Bush Administration would want us to speak for them at this time.

Most Americans are not aware of the power grab through the expansion of Executive Powers that has been at the heart of the Bush White House from the very beginning.  Most citizens that abide by the laws and pay their taxes are not aware that President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office.  He asserts that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.  Those assertions that he can bypass laws represent a concerted effort to expand his power at the expense of Congress, upsetting the balance between the branches of government.  Add into the mix that Bush ignored a law requiring warrants to tap the phones of Americans, and a host of other dishonorable and illegal acts, and you have many articles of impeachment

Critics of the Madison City Council’s resolution will argue that even if impeachment proceedings were to start they would not be completed before Bush left office.  That may be true.  But to do nothing and leave the actions of this President without a legal response will provide an opening for further abuses.  Justice demands that our nation respond.  It may be only a small voice in the nation, but when history books are written it will be said that Madison, Wisconsin did not look the other way.  We stood up for the ideals that we cherish, and wished to preserve for future generations.

4 thoughts on “Madison City Council Correct To Debate Bush Impeachment Proceedings

  1. Ferrell Gummitt

    Well while the city of Madison, Wisconsin is at it take a vote to secede from the union??

    Now, that would probably make a statement.

  2. notalib

    Leave it to the loons in Madison to waste time and ignore local issues and do something that is nothing but symbolic. TO top it off there are no impeachable offenses but people in Madison are not bright enough to figure that out, must have a state college education.

  3. Madison’s real problem is trying to figure out what is right and what is wrong. Going to war against Islamic fundamentalists who’s only mission in life is to kill all Christians and Jews and conducting that from the White House is right. WE ARE IN THE WAR OF OUR LIVES PEOPLE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT??
    Chasing interns around the Oval Office with a cigar and lying to the Grand Jury is wrong. It called maintaining the office of the President of the United States of America.

  4. Well if depends which war you talk about.

    The war on terror which is underfunded and understaffed and is going backwards in Afghanstian and is spreading into Pakistan.

    Or the war started in Iraq for polticial purposes. The one that is soaking up our resources and person power, and goodwill around the world.

    Nearly 4,000 Americans are dead in Iraq, President Bush is talking about how he can get even richer giving speeches once out of the Oval Office while soldiers on his watch bleed, and you offer up an act by Bill Clinton that was deemed not important by the vast majority of the American public as a point to debate!

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