World Buying Ian’s Pizza For Madison Capitol Union Protestors

With all the news that is coming out of Madison, the city that is showing America how it is done!….comes this remarkable story.

Protesters in Madison are getting support from near and far, whether it’s the offer of a couch to crash on near the Capitol or Ian’s Pizza ordered from around the country.

As of Friday, more than 200 people had been invited to a Facebook event aimed at finding out-of-town protesters a place to sleep. Capitol-area residents offer couches, sleeping bags and even floor space on the page, which is “in support of all American workers!” It can be found at

And staff at Ian’s Pizza one block west of the Capitol said Friday a couple dozen of their pies have gone to protesters — purchased by supporters from coast to coast.  (In Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal comes word that Egypt, Korea, and Canada were some of the places around the globe the pizza orders were being taken from in a way to help the protestors.)

People have called in orders from New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Illinois, Arizona and California, said Nick Stratman, a manager at Ian’s. 

Brendan Wilson, another manager, said a call came in Thursday night from someone in San Francisco who ordered $300 worth of pizza.

For the out-of-state orders, which began Tuesday, Stratman said the restaurant takes the first name and location of the person placing the order so employees delivering the pizzas can announce to hungry protesters who and where they’re from. They’ve been received “very well,” Stratman said.

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