Roses For Marion In Maine

When we talked with James’ mom today we told her there was snow on the roses.  Two of our rose bushes had over 20 blooms that were either open, or were about to open.  It has been a great year for the roses.

So with heavy wet flakes falling all around in the first gentle hush of winter’s embrace I cut the blooms that were fresh, or buds that promised some indoor cheer.  James brought down three vases that my mom had used for decades to hold flowers back home in Hancock, and we filled them with water and added more color to our home.

When hearing this over the phone this afternoon Marion requested some pictures of the flowers.  This was not the first time such a request has come from Maine, and not the first time that flowers from our home has found a way onto this blog.  Next spring she will again ask for pictures of the irises, and the blooms that brighten summer days.  I only wish there was a way to transport these actual flowers that were cut, along with the scent of the blooms, and send it all to Maine to make her smile.

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