Wisconsin Republicans Will Again Run Fake Democrats In Recall Primaries

Leave it up to the Republicans who like to pull their copies of the Constitution out of their pocket and inform all the rest of us who how government is supposed to operate to again work over-time to foul the air of the Badger State.

This is more proof of how fearful the GOP is over having their majority stripped away before their eyes.   Wisconsin Republicans will stoop to any level, along with creating any and all mischief to hold onto the thinnest of chances to not lose control of the state senate.

The GOP might have thought about that when they were neck-deep up Walker’s backside during the attack on state employees and public workers.

The state Republican party says it plans to run fake Democrats in four upcoming recall elections targeting Republican state senators.

GOP executive director Stephan Thompson says the move will guarantee that a Democratic primary has to be held. He says that ensures one clear date for the primary and a separate one for the general election, thereby limiting any scheduling control the Democratic Party might try to assert. 

The Republican party used the same tactic last year in recall elections targeting six other GOP state senators. The move gave the incumbents more time to campaign and raise money.

4 thoughts on “Wisconsin Republicans Will Again Run Fake Democrats In Recall Primaries

  1. windy33

    THEY JUST DON’T LEARN DO THEY. they lost 2 the last time and we lost none. just how stupid are they and they are totally scared. and this time all the money they can get will not keep their seats—they are gone.

  2. fred

    Umm, yeah. What would your side do? Have Democrats run to hold their seats during a Republican Primary?

    Think it through kids. Last time it was to buy more time for a campaign, this time it is mandatory.

    This is what happens when you decide to run recalls because you don’t like legislation.

  3. Just to clear up what the WI-GOP seems to be saying:

    Recall elections = anti-democracy and a waste of money
    Running fake candidates in a primary = good idea and good use of taxpayer dollars

    I can’t help put wonder…will the signatures on the nomination papers for these fake candidates be available to the public? After all, don’t we deserve to know which of our neighbors are helping commit this kind of fraud and deceit?

  4. Dante

    Dear Windy33 just a little update yes they loss a couple of seats, but they still held the majority and were able to get some excellent work done for the tax payers of this state before the liberal; union leadership will once again attempt to destroy the state. SO in reality while the left spent millions on the first recalls the people of the state won because the left did not get the majority they union wanted.

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