Why Conservative Press Gets A Bad Name

There is a time for politics–Lord knows I fully understand that—and a time for being uplifting and filled with unity—and I fully grasp that need, too.

So it was simply appalling to see the front page press treatment of the new Clinton baby as headlined in The New York Post.  Granted, this is a tabloid paper, and yet conservative cheer it and FAUX News loves to reference the paper, so conservatives now need to own it when such awful headlines are printed.

It seems to me that Republicans and conservatives want to be seen as the champions of marriage and family.  Would not this story then be greeted with the happiness and smiles it deserves?

For one day the Post could not have put away the icky nature of their conservative character and greeted the new arrival in a gentlemanly way?

Wow—-just WOW!


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