Conservative Blogger David Blaska Has ‘No Standing’ In Lawsuit Claims Madison School District

The day the story broke several weeks ago concerning conservative blogger David Blaska’s attempts to spin a lawsuit against the Madison School District was the same day a lawyer who walks this way often told me there was nothing to the case.  The lawyer–with no work related ties to the school district–told me with some level of certainty that Blaska would be shown not to have standing in the matter.

Today that position was made quite clear by the school direct.

The conservative legal group Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty has brought suit against Madison’s public schools through a plaintiff who does not have standing to bring the “scandalous” allegations of violations of teachers’ rights included in its complaint, school district officials claim in a court filing.

Plaintiff David Blaska, a conservative blogger, “is not a teacher in the district nor an employee of the District and he therefore lacks both standing and a factual basis on which to assert those allegations,” school officials say in their answer to a lawsuit brought last month against the Madison Metropolitan School District, the Madison School Board and labor union Madison Teachers, Inc.

In pleadings filed in Dane County Circuit Court last week, school officials and the union asked the court to strike portions of the complaint referring to union dues, fair share payments and other issues regarding employees, calling them “immaterial, impertinent and scandalous.”

WILL, not Blaska, is actually the “party in interest,” or entity that would benefit from the suit, Madison public school officials assert.

Blaska, a retired state employee and former Dane County Board member who writes a political blog for InBusiness Magazine, says he volunteered to be the plaintiff for WILL, a Milwaukee-based legal group that has been involved in other litigation over Act 10.

Blaska has a blog and a talent for saying things to get dialogue started on almost any topic.   And that is about the extent of this case.  This was pure politics and over before it started.  

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