Alison Lundergan Grimes Proves To Be An Amateur Politician

Though there was a technical glitch for the live version of the U.S. Senate debate in Kentucky on C-SPAN last evening there was some off moments and embarrassing take-aways for both sides when the debate was finally aired later in the evening for the nation to see.

I am at a loss as to who is advising Democratic candidate Alison Grimes to act like no one knows who she voted for in the last election for president.  Pure amateur hour and it undercuts her credibility on every other issue.  Grimes may never have had a super good chance of winning, but in the last past whatever chances she one had have evaporated.  It is simply embarrassing to watch her try and explain away something that should never had become an issue.  When there are candidates for office who are so scared of their own shadow or who they voted for in a presidential election then it is most proper for the voters to not consider them credible.

As for Mitch McConnell he is one of the most partisan sacks of poo that currently has an office in congress.  He is simply dreadful and while there is so much of a desire across the nation to end his political career it all comes back to the current political mess with the Grimes story.

But when it comes to being scared of their own shadow–notice the back-walking McConnell takes over what makes the bat-crap crazy element of his party see red when it comes to health  care.

Most of the headlines from last night’s first and only debate in the most closely watched race in the country will be focused on Alison Lundergan Grimes’ refusal to answer if she voted for the president in 2008 and 2012. An answer that seems easy enough to provide even if she regrets it. But, another interesting moment happened when Mitch McConnell again said Obamacare needed to be pulled out “root and branch,” but also interestingly expressed support for the website for Kentucky Kynect, the health insurance exchange Kentucky implemented under the Affordable Care Act and said the program “can continue if they like to.” He said the ACA was a “big mistake,” but added “now with regard to Kynect it is a state exchange they can continue it if they like to, they will have to pay for it because the grant will be over.” When asked directly by the moderator if he supports Kynect he answered, “Well it’s fine, I think it’s fine to have a website.”

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