Pictures Of Countdown To Chicago 2016 Olympics

There is real excitement and utter giddiness among many in Chicago, around the midwest, and in Copenhagen as the final hours tick down to the announcement of the site of the 2016 Summer Olympics.  With 62 pictures to dazzle your imagination as we head into the final hours, The Chicago Tribune is the place for the best coverage.

I offer three of the pictures, leading off with First Lady Michelle Obama, who we can be so proud of as she represents our nation.  Following are two pictures of Mayor Daley and Oprah.  When Daley is in the room, it has been noted, he is often now the fourth most important person there.  That tells you the star-power that is in the corner for Chicago!  Oprah by the way has rock-star quality, and just following the news coverage of her in Copenhagen has been amazing.  Brazil has strength to be sure and I can make a good case for a city in South America to have the games, but Chicago I suspect has the votes in the end!  And that is great news for all concerned in the Midwest.

first lady

Daley and Oprah

daley and oprah 2

One thought on “Pictures Of Countdown To Chicago 2016 Olympics

  1. Talley

    As a proud African-American I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see this nation represented by strong black women. Added to this is my President! This is the face of my country that the world can finally see.

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