Wisconsin Justice Louis Butler Jr. Proves Mom And Dad Were Correct

There was no shortage of resentment across Wisconsin when former Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler Jr. was denied a full term on the Court after a bruising election.  What made the anger so strong was not so much that he lost the election, but how his opponent, Michael Gableman, won.  There was little doubt when all the votes had been cast that the lowest common denominator had prevailed in the election, and did so based on questionable campaign tactics that are still being reviewed.  The actions of Gableman were so egregious that an ethics case against the newest justice is underway.   Is it any wonder that for a growing number of people the idea of merit selection for State Supreme Court seats is becoming more understood as a necessity?

Now however there is news to show that Butler, an intelligent and skilled jurist, will have his day in the sun again.  Butler is being nominated to serve as a U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Wisconsin.  No news was more joyously received in my home over the past few days than when this was reported on the radio.  It is important that those who work hard and have the intellect and skills not be pushed aside and left to wander in the wilderness.  Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl are to be applauded for bringing the name of Louis Butler to the top of the pile.  As expected, both of our leaders from the Badger State will work to ensure that the U.S. Senate proceeds in a timely fashion to secure a vote on his nomination.

There is a lesson here for all of us.   As kids we were told by our parents that if we worked hard, played by the rules, and tried with all our might it would work out.  They also told us that there would be bumps and turns along the road of life, but in the end they said, if we stuck to the high road we would prevail.  The story of Justice Louis Butler Jr, proves our parents to be correct.  Again.

2 thoughts on “Wisconsin Justice Louis Butler Jr. Proves Mom And Dad Were Correct

  1. Solly

    I agree with 90% of your post, first and foremost that the nomination of Louis Butler is a good thing. I think we will be well-served.

    However, on the issue of “merit” appointment of all State Supreme Court justices, two words argue against it – Diamond Jim. Look at Doyle’s recent appointment of a questionable contributor and hack to a Dane County judgeship, and his stonewalling of a Cap Times open records request that would have revealed grave concerns by those in the profession that interacted with her and knew her best BEFORE the appointment was set.

    The answer to the Gablemans and Zieglers is to fix the system, so they can’t lie in their campaigns and rule unethically and face REAL sanctions for transgressions, not slaps on the wrist with a wet noodle after investigations that take years to complete. And, to keep special interest money out of the election, or make it clear who is funding it. We need to hold state Democrats accountable for passing the Impartial Justice Act BEFORE the next Supreme Court election.

    And don’t forget, all of the Shrub nominations to the federal bench, they were “merit” appointments too. Some good, some very very bad.

  2. David

    I so enjoy how you take the news of the day and put it in a unique perspective. You did it here again with Butler. I work for the state and during lunch I read your blog. Today I shared with those around my desk. Five others all agree with you. I might add that I think you are as interesting as the topics you write about.

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