Supreme Court More Interested In NRA Rights Than Gun Related Deaths

A most dreadful decision was handed down this morning from the United States Supreme Court.  No one, including CP, was surprised at the ruling that made unconstitutional Chicago, Illinois’ 28-year-old strict ban on handgun ownership, a potentially far-reaching case over the ability of state and local governments to enforce limits on weapons.  It should be noted that Monday’s decision did not explicitly strike down the Chicago area laws, but ordered a federal appeals court to reconsider its ruling. There is not one person breathing air now that thinks there is any room for the federals appeals court to operate but in the favor of the NRA.

No one was surprised, but many more will be made sad by the outcome as this will only lead to more gun deaths.  To the average observer this was another court case that dealt with guns and the NRA.  Upon closer evaluation this is instead another attempt by the NRA and those who merchant in death (the gun makers)  to attain nothing less than the complete dismantling of our nation’s gun laws.  There are many who fear that such restrictions on guns create less gun ownership, and so the NRA and the makers of the deadly weapons are hell-bent, even if it means more innocent deaths, to save the gun industry. Each year this nation buys  30,000 coffins for the folks who are killed from gun violence.  In highly concentrated and populous urban centers such as Chicago this court decision is one of the worst outcomes possible.  Conservatives will argue that taking away local control is a bad idea on every issue, unless that local control tries to limit the rights of the NRA.  If a city works to protect itself and limit even more violence than it needs to be stopped!  And the conservatives did just that today. 

How many of these conservatives who push for less restrictions on guns will chip in for the coffins that will be needed to bury those who will now die from increased gun violence?

10 thoughts on “Supreme Court More Interested In NRA Rights Than Gun Related Deaths

  1. GB Hero

    Wrong, the Supreme Court is more concerned with the Constitution. The Supreme Court knows the Constitution is black and white unlike libs who think that they can bend it however they decide it should fit their agenda.

  2. Solly

    yeah, the court majority in Citizens United, giving corporations the free speech rights of a person, when corporations are never mentioned in the constitution.

    that said, I don’t know that gun control on a city or state basis is effective anyway.

    Chicago was recovering from another violent weekend that left at least 29 shot and three dead.

    “Even with the gun ban in place, shootings in Chicago have been rampant. Last weekend, at least 52 were shot and ten killed in just three days, and this weekend the gunfire continued.”

    I guess the only answer is to amend the constitution and clarify the militia crap and protect the sporting use of guns and get rid of everything else.

  3. Curious Citizen

    It’s imperative to allow people to bear arms, not only is it stated in our Constitution but it would be nothing short of a criminal act to allow the government to take away the guns leaving people unable to protect themselves and their families.

    1. Slow down just a minute.

      No one is taking guns away from people. That is the type of rhetoric that is just plain false, and is usually aimed at making angry white men take to the bunkers right after they empty the local gun shot of all the ammo and shoot their TV or outhouse.

      It was only two years ago that the Court made a ruling that the Second Amendment protects the rights of individuals. Was there a demise of liberty in the nation up to that time? Was the government in your house trying to take the silver? Prior to that the court had suggested this amendment mostly concerned states and militias.

      And the second amendment, for those who think about such things, does indeed deal with states and militias. Playing to guys, which the court did, who sit down to watch Nascar, makes no sense for the rest of the nation who wind up paying the price of gun violence.

      Local units of government, like Chicago, are trying to remedy the social ills that are in place in urban centers, ills that are also exacerbated by guns.

      You make it sound like it is the wild west where Ma Kettle has to be protected by a weapon. That is not the case in 2010, and instead those guns that are meant to ‘protect’ actually do harm to those that are not meant to be shot.

      1. Curious Citizen

        Quote: “I guess the only answer is to amend the constitution and clarify the militia crap and protect the sporting use of guns and get rid of everything else.”

        Sorry for the confustion… I was replying to that statement Deke

  4. GB Hero

    Here is the problem all of the gun controls is punishment for the law abiding citizens, it does nothing to stop the criminal. Instead of weakening laws strengthen laws. Libs can make all of the laws they want against Americans who follow the law and believe in the constitution, that is not going to take guns out of the hands of criminals and it is not going to help the people of Chicago with their gang problem. But what it does do is make them feel better about themselves because they once again and trampled on the rights of Americans.

  5. Problem is the ones with that do the killing are not law abiding citizens they are criminals. This is so stupid now. We take the victim’s and remove there rights and hope that criminals do not come. Man you all STUPID as hell.

  6. Cannon

    Author: are you going to chide Solly? Citizens United is no part of post. Lots of stereotypes to attack other side. Archie Bunker? Angry White men? Good

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