Sarah Palin Throws Canned Goods, Wears Push-Up Bra “So I Can Get What I Want Tonight”

Might I start by saying what she wants we don’t need!

Vanity Fair has the must read story of the day as they profile Sarah Palin. 

The line that made me burst our laughing was this one.

“As soon as she enters her property and the door closes, even the insects in that house cringe.”

I ripped a few segments that give a flavor of the content.  This is a perfect pitched story.  Well phrased, sassy, great research went into the piece, and it is sourced so to be able to portray Sarah Palin as she really is, versus how she wants the world to think she is.

Palin does not always treat those ordinary people well, however—it depends on who is watching. Of the many famous people who have stayed at the Hyatt in Wichita (Cher, Reba McEntire, Neil Young), Sarah Palin ranks as the all-time worst tipper: $5 for seven bags. But the bellhops had it good in Kansas, compared with the bellman at another midwestern hotel who waited up until past midnight for Palin and her entourage to check in—and then got no tip at all for 10 bags. He was stiffed again at checkout time. The same went for the maids who cleaned Palin’s rooms in both places—no tip whatsoever. The only time I heard of Palin giving a generous tip was in St. Joseph, Michigan, after the owner of Kilwin’s chocolate shop, on State Street, sent a CARE package to Palin’s suite, and Palin walked to the store to say thank you. She also wanted to buy more boxes of candy to take home. When the owner would not accept her money, Palin, encircled by the crowd that had jammed the store to get a glimpse of her, pressed a hundred-dollar bill into the woman’s hand, saying, “This is for the staff.” That Ben Franklin was the talk of State Street the whole rest of the day.


But on she flies, carpet-bombing the 24-hour news cycle: now announcing her desire to meet with her “political heroine” Margaret Thatcher (the better to look like Ronald Reagan, presumably, though Palin seemed unaware that Thatcher is suffering from dementia); now yelping in theatrical complaint (“I want my straws! I want ’em bent!”), to shrug off revelations that her speaking contract demands deluxe hotel rooms, first-class air travel, and bottles of water with bendable straws; now responding (in a statement read on the Today show) to reports of her daughter Bristol’s re-engagement to Levi Johnston; and all the while issuing scores of political endorsements and preparing a fall media blitz. A TV show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, for which Palin is being paid $2 million, will have its premiere on the TLC network in November.


The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” This friend adds, “As soon as she enters her property and the door closes, even the insects in that house cringe. She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”) When Palin was mayor, she made life for one low-level municipal employee so miserable that the woman quit her job, sought psychiatric counseling, and then left the state altogether to escape Palin’s sphere of influence—this according to one person with firsthand knowledge of the situation. The woman did not want to be found. When I finally tracked her down, her husband, who answered the phone, at first pretended that I had dialed the wrong number and that the word “Wasilla” had no meaning to him. Palin’s former personal assistants all refused to comment on the record for this story, some citing a fear of reprisal. Others who have worked with Palin recall that, when she feels threatened, she does not hesitate to wield some version of a signature threat: “I have the power to ruin you.”

6 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Throws Canned Goods, Wears Push-Up Bra “So I Can Get What I Want Tonight”

  1. Ferrell Gummitt

    Honest to God, in my almost 50 years of life I have had on this planet, I do not think I have ever seen someone so picked on, cajoled, stalked and just totally brutalized more than Sarah Palin.

      1. Ferrell Gummitt

        Terri: I will be the first to say I am not in love with Janeane Garofalo, Roseanne Barr-Arnold-Roseanne, the woman who does The View and has her own CNN talk show or Nancy Pelosi.

        But does anyone deserve this type of treatment??

        Well we have for Sarah Palin:

        Reporter/Stalker moves in next door.

        Stalker takes video of them at the airport looking for something/anything. Kind of hoping myself that Todd Palin would have smashed his face into cornmeal in the video. But, hey can’t have everything.

        TV Shows/Talk Shows saying the lowest, form of crudity about her, her daughter, the maternity of Trig.

        Look Terri I found this site the other day, you might feel a little more at home there. This is as Anti Sarah Palin as it gets.



  2. Bert

    Ferrell, I’m always heartened to see mercy still visible in this world. By the way, how’d you feel about the treatment that was meted out to that mother of a soldier killed in Iraq? Her name was Cindy.

  3. Andrew Bryan

    See the thing is, she is one of the easiest target I’ve seen lately. If you step into the political spotlight you should be under scrutiny. This is not a popularity contest, it is politics. She would be dangerous, being a mother grizzly and all, in a high political office. Poor Sarah Palin and her sad state of being a self-wealth generating demagogue. I give her no pity, just angst.

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