Why Is Green Party Candidate Ben Manski Using Democratic President Obama In His Campaign Literature?

I was truly amused when a college student thrust into my hand a piece of literature Tuesday at the President Obama rally.    The face-up side to the half-page thick-stock  flyer had a picture of Obama and two quotations he recently gave at a political event.

But then the flyer turned into a Ben Manski for State Assembly piece, and when flipped over featured more on his race along with a photo of the candidate.


Seems not too long ago Ben Manski was doing all he could to undermine the Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore to make sure Ralph Nader would be elected to the White House.  Seems the only thing America got was an election decided by the Supreme Court, and an invasion of Iraq.  Someone made a bad decision on who to back for the White House.  But now Manski is using  Democratic President Obama for his political advantage! 

Was President Ralph Nader not available for an endorsement?

The piece of political literature is an attempt to make voters think that Manski somehow has the backing of this president or more broad support among Democrats than he actually has.  There is NO mention that Manski is not a Democrat, nor that he is running on the Green Party ticket. 

This type of politics cheapens the credibility of Ben Manski.  Worse, this is not good for the political process that Manski claims needs fixing.

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