I Stand With President Obama

The election night defeat of so many Democratic candidates from coast to coast was stunning.  The policy ramifications of this election cycle for the future are frightening.  We all are aware that this moment in America is filled with great unknowns.

And yet I feel a sense of calm because at the White House there is an intelligent, analytical, well-reasoned, and purposeful President that retains power.

The last 24 hours can be no fun at the White House.  There are many high-wire acts underway given the enormity and complexity of the economic and foreign policy issues that this nation faces.  Now on top of all that there is an embarrassing mid-term election to contend with.  Even for the most seasoned politician this seems beyond the pale.

Yet with amazing poise and reflection President Obama spoke to the nation in a press conference today where he took on the headlines and acted like a leader. 

I was reminded of a similar press conference in 1994 when President Clinton needed to state that he was still relevant after a similar mid-term blowout.  That was not the best press conference of the Clinton years. 

In contrast,  Obama was more polished.  He acknowledged what took place at the polls and made it known that there was work to be done for the citizens, and policy to be shaped.  In order for that to be done all hands needed to be on deck, and a concerted effort by both parties had to take place.  He knew full well that without a guiding hand from the White House the ship of state would be rudderless.

That he handled the toughest day of his first term with the grace and maturity that he is known for should not have surprised me.  To know that inside he was feeling a series of emotions that anyone would feel at this time, and yet plowed ahead question after question only made me feel more proud of him.

Readers know that President Obama was not my first choice for the White House in 2008.  But once he won me over I have been his admirer and staunch supporter.  While there are times we disagree over the pace of movement on issues (DADT) or an entire policy such as the tax cuts ( I argue none of them can be afforded at this time) I am always aware that when Obama sits in the Oval Office we have a highly educated and competent leader in charge.

Intellect goes a long way in creating solid leadership.

That is why in the face of  a tough mid-term election, and the up-hill battle with the new congress, I feel confident in the future. 

Many feel that Obama is too immersed in policy detail and is too wonkish.  These people often would say what we need is someone in office ‘who is like me.’  I am not one of them. 

I want the brightest, most able person to lead from the Oval Office as we confront and challenge the great issues of the day.  I want someone 50x smarter than I am.

That person is President Obama.

While some are distancing themselves from the President today I continually guide my ship in the direction it has taken since the summer of 2008.  Alongside in support, and close enough to yell out when I think something is wrong.

I have been with President Obama in the good days, and I am here tonight in one of the harsh moments.

I wish more of my fellow citizens joined me.

4 thoughts on “I Stand With President Obama

  1. Douglas Klein

    Very well-stated. Although some of the criticisms of Obama in his first two years are appropriate, I stand with you and others in support of him.

  2. jmac

    Thank you for writing that. I cannot stand to read anymore criticism of the job this man is doing. After 8 years of Bush, President Obama is now expected to preform a miracle. The problems in this country did not happen in 18 months. It will take time to fix all that has gone wrong. We must become unified and stand behind and defend our presidents decisions. If we don’t, you can be sure that a republican will be in office come 2012.

  3. jerry deb beschta

    we are here for ya was on the pre election day and this past nov 2nd 2010. just dig your feet in and take a hard stand for all of us. we are hitting that 60-65 agae and need help.
    god bless and happy holidays

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