Zipper Problem Strikes Republican Congressman Chris Lee

Who, Me? Married?  Nooooooooo

Family Values Man

Hat tip to Rolf

Want to bet Chris Lee is opposed to gay marriage, thinking it will undermine all that is decent in America?  There is no vote that I can dig up tonight that places Lee on one side of the issue or the other.  But there are not too many conservatives standing on the correct side of history, and I strongly suspect Lee who voted  conservative most of the time on other issues did not break the mold when it came to his views about gay marriage.

So tonight I want to know one thing.

How is that marriage thing going for you, Chris?

I find this stuff so offensive when people like Chris Lee drag his wife and young son to campaign events for the ‘family values’ vote, and then he acts like a cad off the stage. 

Rep. Chris Lee of New York abruptly resigned Wednesday evening, hours after a gossip Web site reported that the married Republican had allegedly sent flirtatious e-mail messages and a shirtless photo of himself to a woman he met online.

Lee experienced his fall from grace in a single afternoon, undone at the speed of the digital age. At lunchtime Wednesday, he was an obscure but promising second-term congressman. Then, at 2:33 p.m., the Web site posted an alleged e-mail exchange between a man who used Lee’s name – but identified himself as a divorced lobbyist – and an unidentified woman. Gawker reported that the two had met through the personals section of Craigslist.

After that, the familiar cycles of a Washington sex scandal were compressed into a blur of tweets and news alerts. There was confusion, a hint of denial, then a pledge from Lee to “work it out” with his wife.

By 6 p.m., a clerk was announcing Lee’s resignation in the House chamber.

4 thoughts on “Zipper Problem Strikes Republican Congressman Chris Lee

  1. sandman

    In Congress, Mr. Lee had a reputation as a social conservative, opposing, for example, a recent measure signed into law that allowed gays to serve openly in the military.

  2. Tom

    I think private affairs should not be the topic of a public discussion. A shirtless photo of a politician is not a big deal – we all are naked sometimes and also a politician has the right to have a private life, not matter whom he f**cks. Even if he would be gay himself … (though this would be really funny with mr. Lee)

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