Madison Police Chief Wants Answers From Gov. Walker Over Thinking Of Placing “Troublemakers” In Capitol Protests

As noted on this blog last night I am very upset that Governor Scott Walker would have considered placing “troublemakers” into the peaceful protesters in an attempt to help out passage of his bill assaulting collective bargaining.

To be honest, I am appalled that Walker said “we thought about that”.  Who is the “we”?  This is serious.

Now the Madison Police Chief steps in and makes points that connects with mine.

Madison Police Chief Noble Wray said he wants some answers from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

This comes after a prank phone call was released online on Wednesday, during which the caller, posing as conservative businessman and Walker supporter David Koch, asked Walker if he had thought about the possibility of planting people in the crowd to cause trouble during peaceful protests at the state Capitol during the past two weeks.

 In response to prankster’s question, Walker said: “You know, well the — the only problem — because we thought about that … My only fear would be is that if there was a ruckus caused is that would scare the public into thinking the governor’s got to settle to avoid all these problems. Where I’ve said, ‘We can handle this. This is Madison, full of the ’60s liberals. Let ’em protest.'”

 Walker’s office confirmed on Wednesday he was one of the two voices on the phone call.

 In a statement released on Thursday, Wray expressed concern over the governor’s remarks during the call.

 “I spent a good deal of time overnight thinking about Governor Walker’s response, during his news conference yesterday, to the suggestion that his administration ‘thought about’ planting troublemakers among those who are peacefully protesting his bill. I would like to hear more of an explanation from Governor Walker as to what exactly was being considered, and to what degree it was discussed by his cabinet members. I find it very unsettling and troubling that anyone would consider creating safety risks for our citizens and law enforcement officers. Our department works hard dialoging with those who are exercising their First Amendment right, those from both sides of the issue, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure they can demonstrate safely. I am concerned that anyone would try to undermine these relationships. I have a responsibility to the community, and to the men and women of this department – who are working long hours protecting and serving this community – to find out more about what was being considered by state leaders,” Wray said in a statement.

 In addition, the Madison Police Department also released a separate statement, praising the preparedness of its officers, saying they are “trained for crowd situations where an agitator or provocateur may try to create safety risks for citizens and officers.” The department also commended all protesters for being peaceful during their rallies at the Capitol.Madison

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