Bibles To Be Used At President Obama Inauguration Include Abe Lincoln’s From 1861

One thing I have heard over and over these past two months from friends and strangers alike is how pleased they are with the election results.  Once again Barack Obama will take the oath of office and remain President of the United States.  And once again the bible used by Abraham Lincoln will be used on the day of the public ceremony.  There is so much to be proud of in this nation, and rejoice in.

Chief Justice Roger B. Taney administered the oath of office to Abraham Lincoln using the Bible of a court clerk.


President Obama says he never compares himself to Abraham Lincoln,  but he’ll  be sworn in again with President Lincoln’s Bible at his  inauguration on Jan.  21.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee  said Thursday that Mr. Obama will  actually use two Bibles at the  ceremony at the U.S. Capitol — the other Bible  once used by Martin  Luther King Jr.

“President Obama is honored to use these  Bibles at the swearing-in  ceremonies,” said Steve Kerrigan, president  and CEO of the inaugural committee.  “On the 50th anniversary of the  March on Washington and 150th anniversary of  the Emancipation  Proclamation, this historic moment is a reflection of the  extraordinary  progress we’ve made as a nation.”

Asked during the “fiscal  cliff” negotiations if it was his “Lincoln moment”  to work out a  compromise, Mr. Obama said he doesn’t compare himself to Lincoln.  But  there are numerous examples during his presidency of Mr. Obama evoking   imagery of Lincoln.

The Lincoln Bible, part of the collection of the Library of Congress, was  used at the swearing-in of Lincoln in 1861.

Mr. Obama also used it at his first inauguration in 2009.

The King Bible is known as the “traveling Bible” of the late civil-rights  leader.

Mr.  Obama actually will use a third Bible, belonging to the family of his   in-laws, the Robinsons, for his official swearing-in on Jan. 20. That  ceremony  will take place in private because the constitutionally  mandated date for the  inauguration falls on a Sunday, when public  institutions are closed.

The Robinson family Bible was a gift  from the first lady’s Michelle Obama’s  father, Fraser Robinson III, to  his mother, LaVaughn Delores Robinson, on  Mother’s Day in 1958. Mrs.  Robinson was the first African-American woman  manager of a Moody Bible  Institute’s bookstore, and she used the Bible  regularly.  

3 thoughts on “Bibles To Be Used At President Obama Inauguration Include Abe Lincoln’s From 1861

  1. Mark E. Bye

    Why is a bible used at all? How ’bout having a hand on the U.S. Constitution. That is the document a president is swearing to preserve, protect and defend.

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