Elizabeth George Will Keep You Up At Night

True Story.

Those are the words I often open a conversation with when talking to my good friend, Michael.

And so it is how I open this post about a book that I simply can not stop thinking about.

Last night I woke up for a glass of water, and once I lay my head back down on the pillows my mind bounced to the place it has been fixated for the past couple days.  Who killed Matthew Whately?

Why this might came to mind at 3:30 A.M. was not because I didn’t need sleep, nor because I did not have other things I might have thought about.  Instead it was all due to the complex and highly addictive plotting and writing of Elizabeth George.

I love a good murder mystery, and there are many writers who can cast a large story and weave a plot, but few can compare to Elizabeth George.

I have loved Well-Schooled in Murder, the third in her series of books as there is no way to really discern where the murder investigation is proceeding.  New and intriguing facts are dropped along the way to throw the reader into new directions of thinking.

For whatever it is worth at this stage of the book I tend to think that Matthew may not have been targeted for premeditated murder, and instead happened to see something at Bredgar Chambers, a prestigious public school in the heart of West Sussex that he was not meant to see, and as a result was murdered.  But who is the culprit?  The one thing that did stand out for me was the seemingly tossed out fact of a teacher’s guitar missing two strings……and the fact Mathew was tied up and tortured.

With almost two hundred more pages to go the mystery mounts, and the fact I like to solve these thrillers before the final page means I have at least one more night to ponder the plot when waking in the middle of the night.

True Story.

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