Can Gov. Chris Christie Make Political Play Of The Year?

The real harm that came to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie last week when the bombshell of emails landed concerning the closing of lanes on the George Washington Bridge was the opening of doors that might show all other sorts of chicanery that took place in his administration.  From those investigative searches for documents and information about ‘Bridgegate’ comes the threat of a whole series of new scandals and headlines.

There is also the drip-drip-drip effect of more news that runs counter to the image that Christie has tried to foster over the years as someone who works in the interest of his state and the voters who elected him.  Once political problems begin it is often impossible to rein them in or allow for handlers to get past them.

That is the real problem for Christie who is still pondering–though more remotely now for sure–his presidential ambitions.

The news this morning surely must have felt like a blunt blow to the head.

CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used some of that money (from super storm Sandy) to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.

It will be fascinating to watch the headlines play out from New Jersey.  But I am also eager to see how Christie attempts to create his own set of political plays in order to step from behind his problems and once again be in charge of the headlines.  If he can do that it might make for the ‘political play of the year’.

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